A Fateful Encounter - A Tom Hiddleston FanFiction

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Hello so this is a story I wrote my friend. I was suppose to be kind of like an image but I'm going to make it into a fan fiction story. So here it is. Hope you like it. :)


I got up for work and checked the clock. Damn. I'm late. Again. Oh well I hope Mr. Roberts will not mind. I still need to get coffee. It's what helps me wake up in the morning. I jump in shower and turn on the hot water. I love a hot shower. It feels good on my skin. Once I'm done I hear the phone ring.

Ring. Ring.

Yeah yeah I'm coming.


"Tom? Where are you? We needed you here an hour ago?"

"Yes, yes I know Keith but I overslept."


I chuckle. "Yeah, just tell Mr.Roberts I'll be there in 15 minutes."

"Okay but you better hurry you know how he doesn't like to wait."

"Yes, I know. I'll see you at the office. Bye."

I got dressed in my best suit.

A light blue dress shirt, dark blue dress pants, a dark blue blazer and black dress shoes. I look at myself in the mirror. Yeah I think I look good. Okay time to go.

I walk out of my apartment and walk to the Starbucks across the street. I walk inside and bump into someone.

"Hey, watch it . You almost spilled the coffee all over my dress."

I help pick up her purse and her coffee cup. Good thing it didn't get on any of us.

"Oh I'm terribly sorry. I'm in a a big hurry. I'm late for work and if I don't...."

I look up and see the most beautiful woman. She has short black hair and a beautiful light pink dress with some brown high heels and has some make up on.

She looks up, blushing and says. "Oh no. It's fine. I overreacted."

"Oh, can I buy you another coffee?"

"Oh, it's fine. I can buy it. I'm the one that spilled it."

"But I'm the one that bumped into you. I should buy you another. Please it's the least I can do."

"Okay. Thank you."

We get in line and I ask her. "So, what is your name?"

She says, " Rose. Rose Reese. What is your name?"

"My name is Tom Hiddleston."

"Nice to meet you."


"So where do you work?" I have my own photography company. I'm a photographer. I know I don't look like it but yeah." She chuckles a little. "Where do you work?"

"I'm actually a model but I really want to become an actor. I just can't seem to get anyone to want me in their movies."

She says with a smile, "That's too bad. You would make a really handsome actor."

She has a really nice smile. I chuckle. "Thank you that's very kind of you."

We're up next so I order us two coffees and we're about walk out when I say.

"I hope you see you around. It was nice meeting you. I've got to head to work."

She smiles, "It was nice meeting you too. I have work too. Good bye."

I wave and say," Good bye." And we walk away in different directions. I really hope I do see her again because I would love to get to know her.

Rose's POV

I'm walking to work and while I'm headed there I can't stop thinking of that man, Tom. He is really handsome. Especially in that suit he was wear.

I get inside and go to my work space. I really do hope I see him again he was really handsome.

A Fateful Encounter - A Tom Hiddleston FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now