Don't You Hurt Her.

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Rose's POV

It's been three days since I haven't seen Tom. It always feels like its months if I don't see him everyday. I mean we text but its not the same. He's been busy with that director for that new movie that's coming out months from now. So instead of being alone on my lunch break I decided to meet up with my good friend, Kiara but I call her Kia. I haven't seen her in the longest time. So it would be good to see her.

I finish my shift at the photo store and since I know that today will be slow I just close up for the day and go to the cafe on the corner. I get there and she Kia waving at me and smiling. I run up to her, we hug and we giggle.

I look at what she's wearing. She always had the cutest outfits. Well I think so.

She has a red beanie with her hair down and her hair is really wavy, the color is black and long also thick but it looks pretty. She also has a white petticoat with some dark blue skinny jeans with some black boots. She's chef in Los Angeles but for the time being she's on vacation so shes here for a few months. She has been really busy and I have been too but we finally get to see each other.

I look at her and say,"Oh my gosh girl I haven't see you in the longest. How are you".

She goes to the nearest table to sit and I follow her,"I've been good thank you. What about you? You told me you had something to tell me. Something about a guy?" she smiles and nudges me.

I laugh,"I'm good and yes it's about a guy. I wish you could meet him. You will be able to soon but today he's on set for some movie. He still hasn't told me what movie it is though but what about you anything new?"

She blushes,"Yes, I've meet someone too. His name is Michael". She takes out her phone and shows me a picture of him. He's gorgeous but not like my Tom. He's Hispanic. Just like her. He has a black hair and it looks like he does his hair with gel because it looks well put. He's tall and he has a nice outfit on. Hopefully I meet him too. Maybe him and Tom could be good friends.

I grab her phone,"You go girl! He's gorgeous. Now let me show you my boyfriend. His name is Tom".

I give her back the phone and hand her mine. "Oh my. He's handsome too. Where did you meet him?"

"I met him at a cafe. It's more like we bumped into each other. He's so polite and funny and I just love everything about him".

"That's how my man is. He's wonderful. He's back home but he's coming next week to spend his holiday here so you'll be able to meet him and I'll be able to meet Tom. Is Tom free next week?"

"I think so. I'll ask him later". We order some lunch and catch up. It's like old times. Laughing and just having a good time. When we're finished. We head to my apartment. That's when my phone starts to vibrate. It's Tom.

'Hey love, I'm done with the shoot for today. I was wondering if I could come over. I would like to see you. :)'

Kiara looks at me all curious,"Who is it? Is it your man?"

"Yes. He wants to see me. He just finished the shoot for today. He's been busy with that for the past few days. I'm hanging with you though do you mind if he comes?"

She shakes her head,"No I don't. At least I can meet him now."

I text Tom back. We get up from our seats and start to walk to my apartment.

'Hey, okay great! Sure come on over but when you come I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. Okay?'

He texts back right away.

'Okay I'd be glad to meet one of your friend. You haven't introduced me to anyone and I was afraid you didn't have any. :p'

'>:| hey. I do it's just that I don't see them that often. :p'

'Lol I was just kidding darling. I'll see you.'

I guess I've been standing her by the door this whole time that I didn't notice that Kiara went to the living room and made herself comfortable. Watching tv. She never has a problem with making herself comfortable at someone's home. I walk over to the couch and sit on the far end because he legs are taking up most of it.

"Okay, he's coming. He'll be here any minute. What are you watching?"

She slightly turns her head but her eyes her planted on the tv. "Oh. Okay. Um I'm watching the Food Network."

"Of course you are. You're a chef."

About 20 minutes of watching 2 shows of Iron Chef America and 1 of Chopped. I hear a knock on the door. Its Tom. It must be Tom.

I walk to the door and look in the peek hole. Yup it's him. I open the door and his face lights up. "Hey!" I hug him.

"Hello darling. Uh. So glad to see you." He hugs me back and we kiss. I guess we were kissing for quite a while because I heard Kiara in the background. "Ahem. Rose, now who might this be?" She has her arms cross and she's looking at me like hello! introduce me!

We stop and I look at Tom,"Tom this is who I wanted you to meet, Kiara. She's a really good friend of mine. Kiara this is Tom. My boyfriend." Tom looks at Kiara and extends his hand out to her.

"Lovely to meet you Kiara."

She shakes his hand,"Nice to meet you as well Tom. Can I just let you know if you do anything to hurt Rose. I mean, anything. I will hurt you. Okay?"

I look at Kiara, shocked. "Kiara! I'm sorry Tom she didn't mean.."

Kiara cuts me off by saying,"No Rose I mean it. I will hurt him."

Tom laughs a little,"No Rose its quite alright. I understand where she's coming from. You have probably have had some jerky boyfriends in the past and Kiara is just trying to protect you. That's all. But I assure you that I would never do anything to hurt Rose." He looks me with his beautiful crystal blue eyes. "I love her with all of my heart." He grabs my hand and kisses it.

All I hear Kiara say is,"Aaaww that's so sweet but still. Watch it Tom."

Tom looks at her, "Oh I will. Now how about we go inside. Even though we're indoors it's chilly out here."

We go inside and sit in the living room. We have the tv on but we're not watching. Tom and Kiara get to know each other. I like this. This right here. This time we all have together. My best friend and my boyfriend getting to know each. This is something that I'll cherish forever.


Theres a picture on the side of how Tom is suppose to look in this chapter. If you on WattPad mobile then it will be at the beginning of this story. Enjoy and thank you for reading. :) <3

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