Leave Him Alone

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The Night of Tom's Break In

Rose's POV

Tom drops me off my apartment after going to the park together. It was really nice to have that little amount of time before all eyes are on Tom at the premier. I walk up the steps to my apartment, take out my keys to unlock my door. I head down the hall to my bedroom and to my closet. Excitedly, I take out my dresses that's when I get a text from Kia.

Hey girl, what are you up to? Michael isn't home so I have no one to hang with. Can I come over?

Hey! I'm getting ready for Tom's movie premiere. So, sure you can come over. You can help me get ready. :)

Okay. Be there in 15. :)

I take my 2 dresses and put them on the bed. I bought them a few days ago. Both of them are long and beautiful, which makes it hard to choose. One dress, has little sparkles all over the chest area and stomach area of the dress. The color is a pastel pink, I like pink. It's my favorite color. It has strap that are pretty big but not too big. They're about an inch. The top part which is the cleavage area is in heart shape and the rest of the dress which is the bottom is very loose so it just flows when I walk. It's not tight like other dresses. That's what I like about it.

My other dress is a light blue. Sky blue I guess is the color. This one is very simple but still very pretty to me. It's strapless but it comes with a little shawl. The fabric looks see through but it has fabric on the inside so it doesn't show any skin. This one flows when I walk as well. I like dresses that do that.

I hear a knock at the door so I walk out of my room and down the hall to my front door. I look in the peek hole just to make sure it's Kia and sure enough it is.

I unlock the door and open it. She's carrying a makeup bag and some hair products in another bag.

"Hey, you wanted help. So here I am."

"Oh thanks for coming. I really need help on what dress to wear and with my makeup. Remember what dresses I bought right?"

We walk into my apartment and down the hall to my room.

"Yeah the light pink one with sparkles and the light blue one with no design at all. Try them on again and let me see which one looks good on you."

"Okay." I grab both dresses and walk to my bathroom. I look at my phone and see that at least 20 minutes have passed by. Tom would have called by now and would have asked if I was ready or not. So instead I call him. It rings three times but no answer. It goes straight to voice mail. I hang up because I don't like to leave voice mails.

Rose? ready yet. You don't have much time right. The premier starts soon!

"Oh. Okay!"

I grab the blue one first and slip it on. I put the shawl on as well to see how it looks with the dress.

I open the door and walk out of the bathroom. The dress flowing as I walk.

Kia gasps. "Oh just like I remembered. So pretty but if I remember correctly. The other one has more stuff to it like sparkles and stuff right? Yeah." she squints her eyes a bit and ponders a bit. "Twirl please."

I twirl and hold an end of the dress when I do. In these kinds of dresses I almost always think I'm a little girl again. Playing castle and I'm the princess.

I guess it's because I don't get to do this very often.

"Hmm." She stops pondering for a bit, "Try the other one on. I want to see both on you." She smiles and claps her hands together.

A Fateful Encounter - A Tom Hiddleston FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now