Chapter 2|| Hell-I-Mean-School

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Lily's P.O.V.

Ewwww alarm. I got up and stepped across the room to my desk. 5:30am. EWWWW SCHOOL.

"BABE, YOUR ALARM" mum shouted from her room.
"I know mum, I'm just so tired. I dont feel well." I lied. I was perfectly healthy, physically. However I was not mentally prepared for hell- I mean school.


I jumped up like a kangaroo. Speaking of kangaroos, I still can't quite remember of those boys Des was talking about last night. Well morning. I got 4 hours sleep because of Destiny's freak out. I should probably look them up just in case she asks me about them

My second alarm went of. I read my phone screen. It said "shower or die." 1am me is so nice.

I quickly hopped in the shower, and threw my ugly school uniform on. Who ever thought of having checkered red and black blazers with black kilts had no sense of fashion. I slumped in front of my mirror, deciding on what to do with my hair.

I started off just by brushing it, but that alone could not tame my currently long brown hair. It had just faded from sea blue, it matched my eyes perfectly. I haven't yet decided which colour I'm going to go with next. I adjusted my many earrings, gave my hair a quick blow dry, and tossed it all into a quick unintentionally messy bun. Because my hair is so long, it never stays in place so I inserted multiple bobby pins in hope for a bit more hold.

I had one quick look in the mirror.
"Holy shit I look like crap."
"Language" I heard my mum cough, under her breath I would apologize, but what's the point? Why would I say sorry for the truth?

I put a layer of bandages around my wrist, school doesn't allow tattoos, 'it distracts others learning'. I've never understood that rule. How would a small puzzle piece take away anyone's education? Uuugh.

I looked at my phone. Shit, its already 7:20. How long have I been staring in this bloody mirror. A little mascara, shoes, bag and I'm gone.

||a.n. omg I'm so exited to be writing this and IDC how shitty it is, just comment if I make typos and enjoy.
Comment suggestions so you can get to know me in the authors note but other than that I have nothing to say.||

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