Chapter 24

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Justin's POV

I woke up and seen that Silver was laying next to me clutching her pillow. She started to whimper. After a few minutes I seen a tear slip down her face.

"Baby wake up." I shook her. She mumbled something before she opened her eyes. She was crying.

"Baby what wrong?" I asked her as I pulled her in for a hug. She hugged me back and we just Kaye's there for a little bit.

"I seen him. He killed her." She said. Wait what is she talking about? I scrunched my face.

"Babe who killed who?" I asked her. "L-luke killed my m-mom." She whimpered. Now that she mentioned it, it did make sense I mean think about it. He was trying to get to her so he could hurt me. He went to her moms house looking for her and when she wasn't there he killed her.

"Baby I'm so sorry." I said and kissed her on the top of her head. She nodded. Shit. I heard a loud knocking at the door. "I got it baby. Lay back down." I told her as I headed downstairs towards the door.

When I got to the door I peeked through the peep hole and say Luke. It seems like him to show up at a time like this. I hesitantly opened the door. "What do you want?" I asked him. "Well that's no way to talk to your boss." He said. "Last I checked I quit doing shit like that." I responded.

"Hey Just- what the hell is he doing here?" She spat. "Well hello to you to." He said. You could see that he pissed her off. "Get out! Get the fuck out of my house and never come back!" She yelled. He looked surprised at her outburst.

"Well actually we have business to discuss so I won't be leaving." He responded. "Fine then we will leave." She said and headed upstairs. A few minutes later she came down with the kids in their car seats.

"Babe where are you going?" I asked her. He looked at me for a minute. "I told you I wanted him out of the house and he's still here so me and the kids are going to a little ride." She said. "No babe give me five minutes. I promise he will be gone by the end of the five minutes." I begged her.

"Five minutes." She said and walked back upstairs. Luke looked at me. "Listen before you say anything me and my gang are out. We aren't in this gang shit anymore. We have other things in life that we have to do. We can't do this anymore. You can still have all of our shit, but please just leave us out of it." I said.

He thought about it for a minute. "Okay, but if any other gang asks we took you guys out." He said. I nodded. Just as he was walking out the door I stopped him. "Did you kill Silver's mother?" I asked him. He looked down and nodded.

"Look man I'm sorry. I'm a different person now. I don't see why we didn't just start off on good terms like this. Everything would have been so much easier." He said. I just stood there in shock. He was always and asshole and now he's all sweet? I nodded and he left.

Silver came back down. "What the hell was that all about?" She spat. "He came and apologized for everything." I said. She nodded and said nothing more.


2 hours later

Justin's POV

We were now hanging out with everybody. (Ryan, Chaz, Christian, Selena, And everyone else) we were out eating with the kids.

"Hey isn't that Baili?" Vanessa asked. We all looked to where she was pointing and we saw Baili sitting at a table with another girl. I examined the girl. She looked like the one Solver beat up. What was her name? Jessica? Yeah that's it.

"That's why she can't be trusted." I heard Silver mutter. "Hey Silver it's okay you have all of us." Vanessa said. Silver just nodded. I low that deep down she misses Baili more than ever.

I looked up and seen Jessica pointing at us. Baili looked and she looked sad when she seen all of us laughing and having a great time. As soon as she spotted the kids she smiled. Jessica got up and started to walk towards us.

"Hey Juju. I miss you like crazy." She said.

"Well doesn't that suck. He's off the market now you can leave bitch." Silver said.

"And who's going to make me?" Jessica spat.

"We will." The girls said as they all stood up. Jessica came closer to Chloe and slapped her. I sat there in complete shock. She just slapped a baby!

Vanessa slapped her as hard as she could. Jessica whimpered. Selena did the same along with the other girls.

Silver got up and walked around the table to Jessica.

"Listen here bitch. It's one thing for you to slap me and hit on my husband, but as soon as you lay a finger on my kids you have passed the fucking line. Do you see her over there balling because of you? You realize you can go to jail for child abuse? I don't want to see you ever again. If you see me and my family you better turn your little happy ass around and walk away. And if you text my husband again I will find you and kill you." Silver spat and then slapped her. Oh shit.

Silver walked over to me and grabbed Chloe and tried to calm her down. Nothing was working. We ended up taking her to the hospital. The doctors said that her cheek was going to be bruised for a while.

"Hey Justin can I talk to you?" I heard Jason ask. I nodded and followed him to the hallway. "What's up man?" I asked him. "Okay you know Vanessa? Do you think that I will have a chance with her?" He asked me. "Yeah man! I think I remember Silver telling me she liked you too!" I whisper yelled. "Really?" He asked. I nodded and we headed back in the room.

Silver gave a look saying what was that about. I ignored it and looked away. After about am hour in the hospital we finally left. As we got home Silver and I put the kids to bed.

"Hey babe, sorry that I've been a bitch lately. I don't know what it is, but I am really sorry. You don't deserve to be treated like this. I love you so much. Never forget that." She said. I just stood there. I mean no offense or anything, but she has kinda been a bitch lately.

"It's okay babe. I love you too." I said as I pulled her in for a hug. After we released from the hug she went to take a shower. Being the person that I am I walked in the bathroom and got in the shower with her.

"Justin what the hell are you doing?" She laughed. "I just want to help my baby shower." I responded. She looked at me for a minute and then continued to shower. When I was time to wash her body I did it. Nothing too sexual went on.

After we got out of the shower we went in the bedroom and got dressed. I gave Silver one of my shirts to wear. Damn she looks so good in my clothes. "Night babe." She said and pecked my lips. "Night baby." I replied.


Authors note

Please please please check out my other book. It would mean so much to me. I can't believe how many reads this book has. I thought that nobody would ever read it. Thank you so much.

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