The Family

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{Jeffs p.o.v}

I was walking in the forest wanting to get away from everyone. I spot a suitcase, it was {F/C} and open. I walk over to it and it had food, water and women clothing, I look up to see a girl in the tree. "Looks like its time to kill" I say climbing the tree.

I soon got to her and got onto the branch she was on. She was sleeping, she was so peaceful watching her chest go up and down. I wasn't killing her I don't know why but I didn't, I reach over to touch her cheek bad idea. She woke up looking at me straight in the eye.

She wasn't scared, and how I know this is she smiled at me! Her smile was cute and calming I wanted to touch it but held back. She look at my cut in smile and looked curious, she reaches over to touch it but I freaked out a bit and fell off the branch.

Before I hit the first branch she grabbed my hand holding onto me. She was warm, warmer than me, she grunted and pulled me up onto the branch.

{your p.o.v}

I got him back onto the branch, "Sorry about almost touching you I got curious" I say looking at the branch "Heh guess makes both of us" his voice was soothing and deep. He looks at my bloody white scarf "what happened?" he points at "I got shot" I tighten the scarf.

"Is it still in your leg?" he questions "Ya it is" I answered, he holds out his hand "Lets go to my house I know someone who can help but" I blacked out.

{Jeffs p.o.v}

I knocked her out, why? Well to keep my home safe of coarse. I grab her and started going down the tree, 'why did I knock her out, she's heavy' I complained to myself. Soon enough I got to the bottom with her, I grabbed her suitcase and carried her bridal style.

{time skip}

{your p.o.v}

I wake on a hospital bed with a huge headache and a pain in my leg. I groan getting up "Were am I?" I say looking around, no one here. I stand up "Shit my leg hurts" I start to walk, I started out wobbly but soon walked fine.

I open the door to meet stairs going up. I start to walk up, it was surprisingly easy, I could hear voices both male. I finish getting up the stairs "Boom shacalaca" one of the males said he looked like Link form The Legend Of Zelda. "Dam you ben!" the other said well I know his name now.

"Um hello?" I say they both look at me "SLENDY WE HAVE A HUMAN IN OUR HOUSE!" Ben said yelling, all of a sudden a tall slender man was in the room "Ah hello there child you have woken" he says "Ya but um were am I" I was so confused "Well before I answer that I need you to answer some questions" "ok" I say accepting.

"My children come down here there is someone you must meet!" he yells, so much people come down stairs. Everyone gasps at me being a human
"Hello my name is {Y/N}" I smile brightly.

{time skip to after everyone is introduced}

"Ok now that you know everyone why were you in a tree with a suitcase and a bullet shot in your leg my child" everyone wanted to know. "Well I got into a fight with this girl and let my insanity go, I strangled her to death, bit off a piece of her skin and drank her blood."

Everyone was shocked and looked at me weirdly. "What about the bullet wound?" LJ asked "well that was the police and I hid in a tree to rest" I say.
"Well my child to make sure you are telling the truth about your insanity lets go for a hunt with Jeff, me, Ej and Ben ok?"

"Yes slendy" I walk out of the house with them behind me. "I know who I want to kill next slendy" I smile "Yes who is it my child" he questioned "Oh his name is Tristan we have some unfinished business to take care of" I smiled insanely wide which made Jeff's already cut smile even wider. I start walking to Tristan's house.

-to be continued-

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