Deep Love

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I felt really good about pushing Hunter away. Knowing that I didn't cheat again was really nice! Sure, everything would be so much easier if I loved him, but I don't, and I'm not planning on forcing that to happen.

In fact, just to make sure it doesn't happen, I invited Jynx to hang out with me in an apple orchard. It sounds cheesy, and it totally is, but autumn is here. It sounds late, but we get the epitome of autumn in November around here. I thought we'd enjoy some alone time, especially with my mother riding my dick nowadays.

Once we drove to the orchard (I got my license recently, so she let me drive), we parked in the gravel parking lot and walked up the hill to buy bags.

"I'll pay! Then we can share the apples," I said, looking over at my girlfriend and holding her hand. We both wore gloves, so we couldn't feel each others heartbeat, but it was still a tender gesture.

She nodded, and we entered the main building. I handed over some cash, and we were given two bags for our apples. They told us where to find certain types of apples, along with a map, and we were off.

The back of the building, which lead into the orchard at the bottom of the hill, was scattered with pumpkins. There was even a coffee shop, but we decided to get something to drink afterwards.

"Where to first? Shall we just walk around?" Jynx asked, squeezing my hand lightly.

I shrugged. "Sure, but we'll probably have to follow the map to get different apples."

"Seriously? Are you actually concerned about the apples?" She asked, chuckling as we began walking through the first stretch of the orchard.

"I'm just saying that maybe it would be nice to taste different apples!" I replied.

She let go of my hand and suddenly jumped in front of me. We bumped into each other, and she pulled my face down by her hands. Our lips met briefly, and she didn't let go of me even after we let go. Her hands felt so warm, especially with her black gloves.

We huddled close together, our breath warming each other as we stood against each other.

She said, "The only apple you should be eating is mine, but fine."

I blushed heavily, understanding her dirty reference. Her hands let go of my head, and she began walking off farther into the orchard. She would always skip or scamper off. Being the cute, lil babe she is, everything she does is also very cute and lil. I wanted to bring her to the orchard because they're slightly private and have a nice aesthetic and involve food. What more would we want for a date?

Once we got well into the orchard, we found a few trees that were covered in red apples. They were smaller than usual, and Jync decided to pick one and eat it. She rubbed it against her light pink trench coat and bit into it.

"These are the shit, Em! You have to try one," she said with a mouthful of apple.

I picked one, rubbed it against my gray sweater, and took a bite. It was sweet and different, but still mostly just an apple. Imagine tasting a really high quality apple.

"Let's pick a ton of these!" She squealed, immediately picking a dozen and shoving them into a bag. The bags were small, so she filled one up, but I didn't mind. They were damn good.

When she was done, I picked up the bag. "How about we go to the left next?" I asked.

She looked over, and I really fell in love with her eyes again. They always made me smile, and she could tell. Her hand took mine again, and she gave me a kiss on the cheek before dragging me along once more.

I've had friends question us. Some of my friends say that Jynx is bad for me, and her friends say I'm a nerd. Either way, we're in love, and it doesn't matter. It's a bit weird to be dating a scene girl, but she's really not that bad.

Trisha tells me that Hunter is more compatible for me, but I don't want to believe her. She's probably right, but I can't believe her. If anything, she's the most compatible for me. Not gonna lie, she's pretty hot too, and I've heard that she's been experimenting.

We meandered through the orchard, and the cold breeze hit my face perfectly. It gave Jynx pink cheeks, which looked cute against her tan skin and silver-white hair. She looked like such a goddess.

Accidentally, we found a small clearing shaped like a circle. It branched off into other aisles of trees, but it was completely empty for a few meters.

We decided to sit there for a while to eat some apples, which sounds lame, but it wasn't.

She sat down first, patting the spot beside her. I placed the bag of apples on her lap and sat next to her. Flirtatiously, I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her neck a couple of times.

"This is gorgeous. My pretty girlfriend and the multicolored leaves. I'm so lucky!" I said quietly.

She placed the bag of apples on the other side of her and turned back around to kiss my lips. Her lipstick, gray and matte, tasted like sugar. Her skin was cold, but it didn't bother me. Her kisses never bothered me. She's such a good kisser, and I'm glad I learned from the best.

After a while of small kisses, she slowly climbed onto my lap. I had to lean back onto one of my arms and hold her with the other, but she was still light and cozy, especially with her thick jeans and coat.

I let go, which grabbed her attention. "Are you jealous of Hunter?" I asked.

"Why? Because you kissed him while we were still dating? Or because you're tutoring him now?" She replied with a surprisingly indifferent inflection.

"If you're jealous, you can tell me. I'll stop tutoring him right when you tell me to."

She shook her head. "That's not what I want. We can't control each other like that. You can do whatever you want with him, but I don't want to hear that you're giving him kissing lessons, okay?"

I used my free hand to pet her cheek and then her hair. Her eyes still looked completely free of care, as if the last of her surprise—or any emotion—had escaped through her empty pupils. The color; from her skin, lips, hair, and clothing; had gone. Yet, her eyes were blue.

"Are you jealous?" I repeated.


"Are you?"

Slowly, with one long sigh, she rested her forehead against mine. "I don't know. I trust you, but I don't trust him with you."

What did that mean? Of course we trusted each other (that's sarcasm), but it's not like Hunter's gonna rape me. If he does, I'll throw him off and never even look at him ever again, but I don't think that's the problem. We both knew I was the problem. It really was my fault

"I hope you know that I really do love you," I whispered.

Jynx nodded without reciprocating the words, and she stood up.

Her arms reached out, and I let her help me up. We picked up our things and continued on our magical, yet depressing journey.

With her words, both clear and obscure, I felt a bit sad. Sad? Was it sadness?

Perhaps I felt guilty. I had let Hunter kiss me. Am I to blame, though? Really? A kiss from Hunter was all I dreamed of for the past couple of years. A kiss from anyone, too. Those dreams were accomplished, and I'm satisfied. I don't love Hunter at all, especially compared to Jynx. Sure, he's hot as fuck, but so is Jynx.

Anyways, we made our way back to the usual apple-picking path. She didn't hold my hand or stay very close to me. Instead, she picked some apples. Most were red or yellow, which made for a majestic blend of fall colors.

Once she ran around enough to collect all the apples that could fit into our second bag, we decided to start going back to the parking lot. We spent an hour running around, which sounds like barely any time, but she was literally running.

"Would you ladies like to buy some food for the car ride?" A young man asked.

He looked like he could be a student at our high school, but I doubted it. He looked too well put together. Our community wasn't very good at being so sincere.

I looked over at Jynx and smiled. I paid for a couple of donuts and some coffee, and we were on our way. She drove us back, and we ate donuts while listening to rock music.

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