The next morning the sun was bright and so were Jimin and Jin. They quickly rushed Jungkook out and woke the others. Jimin's plan was one of the best he's had!
In the kitchen...
Seokjin finished Jimins crepe and was ready to hear Jimins idea. He took a bite before starting, causing him to get whip cream on his nose. Deciding not to wipe it off, he started.
"So, you know kooks girl friend is earning money too."
Jin nodded stealing pieces of crepe form time to time.
"Well, tomorrow when kookie is gone, we need to text her again and ask her if she can help us."
Whilst eating a bigger piece of crepe, he asked, what type of help.
"Well, we're not missing so much money, if she has more than what we need to get to 1,090, then we can send her the money (deposit the money into her account) and have her fly here!"
In an excited whisper, Jimin finished his "speech" and let Jin react.
It took him a minute or two but suddenly he realized this was actually a really good idea. He grinned super big and wiped the whip cream off of Jimins nose. Licking it off his finger.
"Jimin, that's one of the best ideas you've ever had!"
He said quietly as well as excitedly.
Then off the two went for bed, ready to share this with the others tomorrow.<<unflashback>>
Jimin smiled widely and prepared all the members at the table. Seokjin stood too, although he let Jimin explain everything.
"So, we all know that we don't exactly have enough now, and it's 1,090. Well, kookie's girlfriend also works,"
They nodded, waiting for anything more magnificent to be said and something actually good.
"Well she most likely has more than what we need to get to 1, she can help us!"
They didn't catch on quite fully. Seokjin finally said something because he was tired of the others not getting it and explained clearer.
"Basically we can deposit the money to her so she can fly here instead!"
They all widened eyes but realized it was a pretty good idea. Understanding they could have her deposit money for kookie but she ain't no bug face or straw (if you get what I meant 😂), so they decided to have a fair share of her.
"But wait, kookie took his phone today..."
Jimin grinned widely again and patted Taehyung's head.
"I snuck her number onto my phone!"
The members immediately stood up and shouted out to Jimin. They all fumed, knowing she was kookie's but liking her anyway. And if Jimin snuck her number onto his phone, this was crossing their boundaries. He looked at them with a nervous smile, of course adding a cute, yet incredibly nervous laugh.
" we can contact her....right....?"
Questioning if that was the right thing to say, Jimin blurted it out anyway. The others squinted their glaring eyes at him, but they were at least lucky enough he did that.. . .
After about a half hour of being chased around the house he threw himself onto the bed and forced them to stop, by calling her. They slowly sat down, still death staring him down, but calmed so they wouldn't scare the girl.
"Oh, yeoboseyo?"
"Annyeong! This is Jiminie Oppa!"
His voice was super cute and he sounded as if he was trying to impress her, steal her away. Or whatever.
"Oh, Jiminie! Wait, how did you-"
"We don't need to talk about that now. I was calling to ask for you could say.."
He quickly cut her off, knowing it wasn't the best thing to do, but in this situation it was. She paused for a second, then breathed in asking what help she's doing.
"Well, you know kookie wants to see you, you wanna see kookie...and that stuff. But we changed it up a bit...your..little plan!"
She looked into the phone questioningly.
"What plan changes?"
Jimin smirked and looked at the others for reassurance. They nodded, cracking smiles.
"Plan changes which will come sooner then you think!". . .
"Ah, see you tomorrow!"
Jungkook said to the employees and walked out, feeling the fresh air without a mascot suit on.
He was slowly calculating numbers in his head for his pay cheque and his happiness shed again. Still not enough of his own money to fly out.
Once he arrived at the house, he opened the door quietly. Realizing the members were home, he heard some voices from one room. He was about to open it, but suddenly heard them talking about something he's never heard about.
"Well, now that we have that covered we don't need to worry."
"How're we gonna tell kookie?"
"Well he'll probably ask when the day comes..."
"Luckily he hasn't asked about why we're working. He didn't care last time I spit it out."
Jungkook's eyes widened and he thought back to the day Taehyung fell down. He said it was because of something at work.
"Well, it wouldn't have been this short a wait to see her if we weren't helping Jungkook."
He immediately felt embarrassed and like a baby. They know he wanted to achieve this his own way and with no help. This is where all the extra money came from! He thought suddenly, feeling like a 5 year old being helped with almost everything. They didn't let him go do things by himself, and didn't let him do anything without help. Only for small things he didn't have interest in, or have to put so much work into. He burst through the door in the middle of it all, not looking happy either.
They nearly had heart attacks, eyes widening realizing he could've been there all this time. Considering he didn't look all that tired out and ready to sleep from work.
"You're what?!"
He yelled out to hyungs. Not caring of politeness right now. They all realized he heard about..hmmmm everything!
Taehyung tried to talk to Jungkook
"No! I don't wanna hear it! Let me do this by myself, I can do it! Stop helping me you'll never get enough!"
They're hearts sank, even knowing they had a great plan and it was too late for kookie to go try and earn that money, those words shot them and made them feel so lost. Knowing he should be grateful and not a brat, they took this pain and felt bad. They did know he wanted to do this himself, so helping him was not the best thing. But how much longer could they see him suffer?
He looked at them all then went out of the room. He didn't care where he went but wanted to get more hours some how, and by himself.A/N: I hope you like it. Lots of peeps have read this and I'm grateful! Thanks so much even if it's not as much as others.
See u again! :D

For You~
FanficBTS knows their dongsaeng Jungkook has a sweetheart. Unfortunately she doesn't live in Korea. And Jungkook doesn't always nor usually have the money to visit her. While Jungkook is making little money advertising for a kids birthday place, the rest...