Chapter Four-Asher Smith-(Asher's POV)

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This may not be my first time writting in a boy's POV but it is still hard doing it. Please don't hate my book because I can't write in a boy's POV. Asher is my favorite charcter that I've made and it is hard to write in his POV but please tell me what you think of it and if someone thinks they can give me edvice on how to make it better that would be great, feel free to tell me my writting sucks. I know it does.

 60 votes for Chapter Five-Wait! What?-(Asher's POV)

I know this chapter isn't as long as the others, but I had serious writers block.

And will you please check out Misfits by me and my friend i_LOVE_b00kS, PWEASE!!!!!


Chapter Four-Asher Smith-(Asher's POV)

My name’s Asher Smith. You need to know that I’m a werewolf. I’m Alpha actually. My Beta is Holden. Yes, I have a mate and a wolf-a very annoying wolf-, his name’s Adam. My dad and mom are also werewolves and I’m an only child. I did find my mate but the problem is for now she is human. I’m seventeen and my first shift was when I was ten, and wolves normally shift at the age of fifteen. I don’t know why I shifted before normal wolves but I’m okay with it. My wolf  believes our mate will never shift. Yeah, he thinks our girlfriend Mary would be a better mate. I love my mate with all my heart but her family doesn’t trust me. I promised my parents that I will stand by her side no matter what. I promised her parents that I would look after her and be the perfect mate for her. My mate is my reason to love, my reason to breath, my reason to live, she is everything to me, she is my world, I’ll love her even if she doesn’t want to love me back. I’ll be anything or anyone for my mate. I’ll treat her the way she deserves to be treated. She is my whole entire world, I’d die for her. I’ll make sure everything will be okay and I will give her my heart.

There was a knock on my door. I looked up to see my father and mother. I live in the pack house but I have a room in my parents house. Mary isn’t allowed in my parents house they believe it will ruin their chances of trust with my mate. I had my backpack next to me on my bed. My mom smiled and as sweetly as she could said, “Your girlfriend is here.” I nodded and left the room. I went down the stairs to see Mary standing in the doorway. Adam spoke and said, “Mary is a way better mate! We should just mark her! Not are may-never-shift as a mate! Also Mary would make a way better Luna!” I mentally rolled my eyes at my wolf and thought, “Our mate is TOO perfect for us! Mary just wants power! I’m only dating her to get a reaction out of our mate! You know I love our mate! I have and always will! Mary is nothing to me! Or you! Katarina is everything to me! And you! You can’t even sleep without her laying next to you!” Adam growled but said, “Focus on the present!” I blinked a few times and saw my slut of a girlfriend smirking, probably thinking I was thinking about her and not arguing with Adam about my mate, Katarina Silverberg. Katarina has the prettiest eyes, they are gemstone green and they have a dark gray ring around the edge of it. I love Kat’s eyes! That’s why I sometimes call her Maha. I have loved Katarina since I met her. I always had this pull to her and I learned why, when I shifted.

Mary coughed loudly to get my attention. I bit my lip. Yeah, boys bit their lips, too! Girls think I do it because I’m turned on, but I only bit my lip when I’m nervous, worried, or I’m thinking of Kat. I looked at Mary in her boring eyes and said, “What’s up?” She smiled, happy to have my “full” attention. Her voice sounded heavy when she said, “We should go watch a movie in the pack house theater.” She smelt different different….. I wonder why? I walked with her to the pack house. I saw many unmated males look Mary’s way, with lust filled eyes. My mind kept trying to figure out the scent but I couldn’t figure it out. Once we got to the pack house, I saw Holden eye rapping Mary. I mind linked my third in command, Say, “What’s going on?” Say found his mate, Adura. Say answered, “Mary’s on heat.” Oh. That is not good…. Good thing I found my mate. I use to be able to be drawn to any female on heat, but now I can only be drawn to my mate. Heat sucks for the one in it, their mate, and the unmated males. I ignored the idea of Kat on heat. I have to focus on the world around me. Mary is only dating me for power and sex. She thinks I’m a player but when actually I’ve been waiting for my mate. I’m not going to hurt Kat, I can’t! I’d die inside if I hurt her at all!

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