November 9th 15:07 2022
"Stella..?" A certainly old man about the age of 80, looks upon a young girl as she sleeps in the hospital bed, wearing a helmet like object. "I shouldve never let you bought that game." He sighs as he looks down on her. "Im sorry my grandaughter." He held her hand as he held it against his forhead. "Please stay alive. You can do this.." He said, having faith on his grandaughter."Help!" A girl with purple hair cried just as she was about to get attacked.
"I'll save you!" Another girl, with black hair with uneven twintails, ran towards the girl who was about to die.
"He-" before she could finish her sentence. She was hit and her body shattered like glass as she hit the ground, disappearing, depleting her existence.
"No way.." The other girl fell to her knees. SAO or Sword Art Online was introduced as a VRMMO or Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online game where anyone can enter the world of SAO and live their fantasy dreams of adventuring the lands with their friends. The beta testers in the beta had no problem and death wasnt an option so they were fine. But now the official release includes real life death. It all started, three days ago...
Three days ago...
November 6th 13:04 2022
"Hey! Wait up man!" A man dressed in the theme of red, caught up to a boy who looks like he was in his twenty. "You look like you know your way round here, you were a beta tester werent you?" The man asked the boy."Yeah I am." The boy replied.
"Im new around here and i want to learn the basics of SAO, so could you teach me please? Cmon man im begging ya!" He pleaded.
"Alright fine, my name is Kirito, what about you?" The boy, Kirito asked the red man.
"My name is Klein!" The red man Klein stated.
"Alright, so who is that girl behind you?" Kirito asked as he pointed towards the girl with black identical twintails.
"G-girl?!" Klein jumped in joy as he turned around to see the young girl. "Youre totally cute!" Klein smirked as he tried to get closer to her.
Kirito standing as he was grabbing onto Kleins clothes, asked her politely "whats your name miss? And why were you following Klein over here?"
"..." She stayed silent staring at Kirito's eyes. "Stella. I followed him because he looked like he was a beta tester. But it turns out he was only following you. Hes probably a newbie like me." The girl explained in detail.
"Okay then Stella, Im Kirito and that's Klein, its nice to meet you!" Kirito greeted her, shaking her hand.
"Kyoabwaa!" Klein yelled as he was attacked by a boar.
"You should really be more careful." Kirito stated.
"Oww cmon man! Right in the nuts..." Klein cried as he was making weird noises as he was clutching his private parts.
"Oh cmon, you're over reacting, the game was programmed so that you wouldnt feel pain as you would in real life." Kirito sighed as he helped Klein up.
"Yeah youre right." Klein sighed as he stared at the boar he was fighting. "It just wont stand still."
"The most important move is the first one. Depending on your first move, it can decide the whole battle." Kirito explained as he charged an attack with a pebal. He threw it aggressively towards the boar, doing a bit of damage, about 4% of its health bar. "Putting it in simpler words, you have to predict your foes moves. And when your about to attack, when you feel the skill start to rip out, just let it rip." Kirito taught Klein.

Black Rock Shooter + Sword Art Online
FanfictionCrossover fanfic of my two fav anime Sword Art Online and Black Rock Shooter. The protagonist Stella (BRS) enters the world of SAO without realizing that the game she dreamed to play was a game where nightmares awaits.