I'm pregnant?

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I groan and rub my eyes as I wake up. I tilt my head to look at the clock, it was 6:45 and school started at 7:45.

I stretch my arms out and pull the covers from my body. "Hey lil, you gotta get up." Alex says as he pokes his head in my room. I nod and make my way to the bathroom.

I take off my pajamas, which consisted of a tank top and short shorts. As I step on the tile, the coldness fills through my body. I turn the nozzle and the water sprays out, making my hair wet.

The water against my skin was starting to get me awake. I get dressed and head downstairs. "Morning." I said to my mom, Alex and Jenny.

I take a bite of my pop tart. "Morning Lil." My mom said to me. As soon as I swallow, I felt it come back up my throat, I covered my mouth with my hand and ran to the downstairs bathroom.

I held my hair back with one hand and threw up. My mom came in the door way. "That's the 3rd time you've thrown up since yesterday." She said and shook her head. I rinse my mouth out in the sink.

"It must be a bug that's going around, I'm fine." I said giving her a smile. "Are you sure? You could stay home." "I'm sure mom." "Ok sweetie, let me know if you want to come home." I nod and made my way to the kitchen.

Alex and Jenny gave me a weird look. "Did you throw up again?" Alex said with a disgusted look.

"Shut up." I said and stick my tongue out at him. I walked over and slung my bag over my shoulder. "Bye guys, Hannahs taking me to school today." I shouted, while I walked out the front door.

Hannah sat in her green colored car, waiting for me. "Sorry, I got sick again this morning." I explained why I was a little late, she backed out of the driveway and went straight.

"Again? Are you sure it's just the flu?" She questioned. I thought about how I slept with Ryan on saturday.

"Well..." She motioned for me to continue. "I kinda slept with someone." I announced.

She looked at me shocked. "Who?!" She practically shouted. "It's nobody, ok and yes it is the flu, it happens after I eat." I said saying it like it was no big deal.

"Now drop it, please." I pleaded looking at her with puppy dog eyes. "Fine, but you will tell me who it was."


I was in English class, my teacher rambling on and on about some document. I look over at Ryan and he was sitting next to some girl.

I shook my head and turned my attention to the teacher, Ms. Rae. The bell finally rang after 20 long minutes. I walked out the door when someone grabs my arm. "Wait!" The familiar voice said. "What Ryan?"

"I'm sorry for what happened at that party, I don't know why I did it. Can we forget it happened?"

I gave him a confused look, then noded. "Sure." "Really? Thank you!" "Ok now get off me!" I said, while shaking him off the grip he has, as he hugged me. "Sorry." He said and quickly left. What is with that boy?


I sat at a table that's connected to benches out side for lunch. Hannah walks up to the table and groans. I gave her a confused look as she clutches her stomach.

"I'm on my period." She said as she took the seat next to me. "Oh, wait when did you get yours?" "On Friday." My heart sank and Hannah continues.

"What you haven't got yours yet?" I shook my head worriedly. Hannah and I always got our period within 1-2 days of eiachother. If I hadn't got mine, it could only mean one thing. "Oh shit." I said.

"What?" She sais confused. "Ok I'm going to tell you something, but you have to promise not to tell anyone." "Got it." I took a deep breath and told her what happend.

"I slept with Ryan." Her eyes got big. "When?!" "At the party."

"So you might be..." "Yeah..." "Crap, you need to go get a test." "But were still in school."

"Lily you might be pregnant. You need to find out like now! Because I may be an auntie and you may be a mom." She said in a whisper/yell to not get peoples attention.

"I'm gonna wait til after school." Hannah noded in agreement. I played with my food most of the time. I couldn't think of anything but the fact that I may be pregnant.

What would I do, I'm only 17. There's no way I could care for a baby. I had plans on going to college. What would my parents think?

And Ryan, he'd be the father of a child. How would he take it, would he leave me to care for the baby on my own?

"Lil?" I look up from my half eaten food. "The bell rang." Hannah said with concern on her face. I noded and walked to my next class.

The rest of the day flew by pretty fast, after the last bell rang I walked to Hannahs car in my own thoughts. I saw her by her car waiting for me. "You ready?" "As ready as I'll ever be." I said.

We got in the car and buckled our seat belts. The ride to the pharmacy was quiet, we got there in 5 minutes.

We walked around the store because we didn't know where pregnancy tests would be. We found the aisle filled with lots of options.

"I'm gonna grab 5, just to be sure." I grabbed 5 tests, each a different company. We brought them to the counter and the cashier gave me a weird look. "This is for my mom." Hannah quickly said.

The cachier noded, and we payed the cost. Once we got back in the car I said. "Thanks for lying, I didn't want her to judge me."

"No problem, what are best friends for." I smiled and we headed to my house. Hannah decided to stay to find out the results.

"Are your parents home?" "No, they won't be back for a few hours, Alex is at a friends house and Jenny went has school club meeting." We walked upstairs to the bathroom next to my room.

I peed on all 5 and waited for the results. "It says to wait 3 minutes." Hannah said glancing at all the boxes. This was going to be a long 3 minutes. My heart started racing when the test beeped. 

These sticks will determine my life; if I'll go to College, how my senior year will turn out, if my life is ruined. I looked down and my heart sank. All five tests... positve. I'm 17 & pregnant with Ryans baby.

Tears fell down my cheeks, Hannah pulled me in a hug as I sobbed into her shoulder, it was soaken wet, but she din't care.

"Don't worry Lil, I'll be there for you, so will your family, and Ryan." I gasped at his name. "Ryan, he's gonna leave me and hate me."

"No he won't he'll be here for you." I looked her in the eyes. "And what if he doesn't?" She smiles thinking of something.

"Then I'll beat him up." That made me chuckle and hannahs face light up. "See there you go! There's the Lily I know!"

"Thanks Hannah, for everything." "No problem, when are you gonna tell your parents?" I thought about it for a minute before I said. "Later, maybe in a month or so."

"Thats's good, what about Ryan?" "I don't know, all I know is he'll leave me." She sighed and pulled me into a hug. "He wouldn't do that."

"Yes he would. He wouldn't help a girl who he got pregnant, he's got his whole life ahead of him."

"Well the good news is... I'm going to be a Auntie!!" She said squeling. I smile, she's gonna be a great aunt.

"Wow, I can't believe 9 months from now, I'll be a mom." "Yeah, so are you giving it up for adoption?" The thought of someone raising my child, is weird.

I know it'll be hard to care for a baby but I don't think I'll be able to give it up. "I don't think so, but it's still on the table."

Now the only that was thing left to do is tell Ryan he's going to be a father. Considering what he told me that day about forgetting what him and I did, I don't think he'll take the news lightly.

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