Vadik the Cruel that sat on the throne for one hundred years, he who opposed all and crushed swiftly his foes.
He bore down on the enemy with vicious claws, and fangs spilt blood of their throats, soft and vulnerable under the protecting leather and heavy metal.
From then on no more did they venture into the wilderness, and stayed back in their homes of mud and broken wood, muttering unintelligible words and wilted from the lack of meat.
Yet he pursued them, and crashed through their shelters and broke their weaving frames; spears and swords were shattered and women wailed and clutched at children in the smouldering flames.
She that watched from above saw with clear eyes, yet her heart cried pity over the people, and she spoke to Ximena, now slow with time passing:
My Listener, get up, and go to your King to tell him this;
"She has mercy over all creation, and it shall be peace with this promise.
Take back your claws! Sheath them, and retreat with your brothers; they shall not be harmed.
Blood and fire and war has reigned too great, I will not have them in my sight.
Lest hear me, you dear son of mine;
I have not forsaken you, even as fear has driven you away from my sight;
Alas! Hear my gentle voice and turn back, turn back! I will be there at your Returning, for I always will await you.
Yet he would not, and his eyes glinted like hard jewels and his heart was stiffer than cold stone, that he remained aloof, and said:
"Who should I be, this son?
Foolish you are, even among women, to obey so much of Her that cannot show her face;
Your words that speak shame, and deaf to our ears;
Hah! You are a Listener and not to Speak, you should keep silent.
They do not reach our heart.
Go now, you dumb one;
Lest out of insolence I should sink my fangs and let your blood run swift.
But Ximena did not relent; it was a duty given to her, and she spoke her message before she went her way.
Dedicated to Damian_Lynch, my newest follower and who added this book to his reading list.🤗
I'll continue to update whenever I get motivated to do so...but I'm lagging...
WerewolfTime itself is the spinster of the long-forgotten; for her Eyes do not overlook the most insignificant of truths, nor do they miss the darkest of lies. The intricate latticework woven by the threads of fate, the haggard tales are told, whispering th...