Chapter 1

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I was awoken from a blissful sleep by a loud knocking on my door.

"Get up, sleepy head. You're going to be late. Alex already left so I'm taking you!" My dad yelled from outside of the door.

"Okay, I'm up!" I yelled back.

Groaning I got out of bed, slipped on my glasses, and made my way to the bathroom. I did my business, then washed my hands and face and brushed my teeth. I looked in the mirror, I was relatively pretty, I had olive skin, I was a bit on the chubby side, my eyes were a warm brown color, my lips were plump and pink, they were really the only thing I like about my face, and I had long black, curl, waist length hair. I sighed. My hair was always so hard to manage so I just twisted it up into a bun.

I walked over to my closet and pulled out a pair of dark jeans and an old AC/DC shirt that had a few tiny holes in it, but it was my favorite, my dad gave it to me. I slipped on some mismatched socks and my Converse, grabbing my bag I walked down stairs.

I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom drinking her coffee while on her phone, probably looking at her emails, and my dad who was waiting for me with his coat in his hand.

I didn't look much like my mom at all. She has light brown hair and green eyes. She's short, around 5'3" while I just stopped growing at 5 feet. She always wore nice dresses or dress suits and heels, she's a lawyer. And she's thin, which is another thing I didn't have in common with her.

My dad on the other hand had dark brown, almost black, hair and brown eyes. He was tall and fit. He was much more laid back than my mother. I had a lot in common with my dad. I had a lot of his personality.

"Come on, kid. We gotta go now if we're going to get you to school on time." He said, motioning to the door.

"Okay. Bye, mom. I'll see you later." I waved at her walking to the door.

"Isabella! Are you really going to go to school looking like that?" She asked incredulously.

Oh yeah and she doesn't ever approve of any of my decisions.

"Uh..." I glanced down at my clothes,"I didn't have time to get ready this morning." Lame excuse.

She just shook her head and purses her lips in disappointment.

I never had a good relationship with my mom. I tried. Really hard. But I was never good enough. She hates the was I dress. Pretty much anything I like. I'm a lot like my dad so I don't see how she can be married to him but despise everything about me.

I sighed and walked out the door, grabbing my black hoodie off of the coat rack and got in my dads car. I'm supposed to get one of my own soon hopefully. I have my license so I can drive myself. And I'm almost 18.

"Sorry about your mom, Izzy. You know how she gets. You're her daughter. She just expects you to be more like her, you know?" My dad tried to comfort me. It didn't work.

I just shrug in response.

Dad leans over and turns on the radio and Psycho by Puddle of Mudd fills the car.

We grinned at each other before singing along till we got to the school.
"I love you, daddy. I'll see you later."

"Love you too, kiddo. Alex is picking you up. If he doesn't I'll come get you. Okay?"

I nodded.

"Okie dokie."

I got out and walked up to the school and straight to my locker. I smiled when I saw my two best friends already there.

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