Drugged (boyxboy)

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Chapter one (Jay's pov)

The rain soaks my hair.

"What?" My father hisses, his voice dangerously low.

"I-I said, I t-think I may like m-men, f-father." I stutter as I look at him in fear.

My cloths are soaked, too. Bloody hell, the rain was cold. I shivered as I sat leaning against the stone wall, hugging my legs to my chest, trying to keep warm.

"Men!" My father yelled, and I cowered in my chair. "Men! This is a sin in gods eyes! No son of mine will be as such! Liking men! Bah! The devil has taken you!"

I stared at the ground before me. There was a small daisy poking out of a crack in the cobblestone road, it's thin frame being beaten by the heavy rain, just like me.

"Get out!" My father screamed. "Get out and never come back! You're not my son! Get out!"

A few of the daisy's little white petles fell to cold cobblestones, just as tears started to flow down my cheeks, easily blending in with the rain. Three weeks. It's been that long seance I was kick out of my home by my father. In that short time, I had thinned to a twig due to the lack of food, and lost so many hours of sleep, I was surprised I didn't pass out now, because I was so tired.

"Your just like me, little daisy." I whispered quietly as I sat shivering, peering at the poor daisy through my wet strands of hair. "Alone in this world."

It was hard; the life of a beggar. I now regret ever snickering at the people who sat on the edge of the streets with a tin cup asking for food or money, and thinking they were worthless scum balls. I now knew what this life was like. Always hungry, tired, and alone. Some of the beggars would huddle together on a cold night to keep warm and I would want to join them, but too scared to do so; or I would see a mother with her child sleeping together on the rough road and think, 'this isn't how people should live.'

I pulled my legs closer to my chest and tried to wrap my soaked coat around me more, but it was no use. I started to shiver harder, wishing I was in a soft, warm bed, like my one back home. It was hard not to think of home. Of the hot food, the warm bed, the crackling fire warming the room, my mother kissing my forehead, laughing with my brothers, even my fathers deep voice. I missed it all, and wanted to go back, but I knew I couldn't. I was shunned out. Called a devil worshiper. All because a man's body appealed to me more then a women's.

I sighed and closed my eyes, resting my chin on my knees. A pair of boots shuffled over the cobblestones, coming closer to me. I just thought it was another beggar, trying to find a drier place to wait out the rain. Good luck with that. I had already looked around and ended up here, sitting in a thin alleyway, shivering. But as the boots scraped the cobblestones in front of me, they stopped. After a moment, I looked up into the face of the most handsomest man I've ever seen.

He wore a black top hat, with a black lounge coat, trousers, dress shoes, and he held a cane, more for looks then actual need, for it was tucked under his left arm. I looked up into his face and gasped softly. The lightest green eyes I've ever seen looked down at me. Dark blonde hair, almost brown, curled around his ears and his skin was a creamy white.

The man looked down at me with a calm gaze, rain dripping off the brim of his hat. All I did was stare up at him. He then smiled down at me, showing his white teeth, and said, "would you like to come with me, my dear boy?"

"Who-who are you?" Was all I could stutter out, my teeth chattering.

The man held his right hand out to me and I blinked a moment before taking it. He lifted me off the ground with one strong pull and I almost stumbled into him. As I stood there in front of the man, I noticed he was almost a half a foot taller then me. I looked at him, picking out the little details in his face now that I was close up.

Thin, pale pink lips. High cheek bones. Thick, black eyelashes. A small scare next to his left eye.

"My name is Harry Garfield." He said with a grin and I gaped at him. I knew that name, and it belonged to one of the riches men in London. "What is your name, my dear boy?"

It took me a moment to respond, still surprised and gaping at him. "M-my name? J-Jay Rosemary, sir."

"Hhhmmmmm," Harry hummed as he looked over me. "I would be ever so happy if you accepted my offer to come with me to my mansion."

Again I just stared at him. Harry Garfield, only the owner of all London's docks, had just offered to house me in his mansion. I couldn't turn it down so I nodded at him like an idiot. He smiled at me and began to lead me out of the alleyway and down the road. He stopped next to a vehicle that looked brand new, washed by the rain. For gods sake, it could have been brand new, just bought today, with all the money I knew he had.

Harry opened back door and looked at me as he gestured inside. I looked in at the red, couch looking seats and swallowed. "But won't I get those seats all wet?"

Harry laughed. "If you can not tell, my dear boy, I am wet too, so will be wetting the seats as I climb in as well." I nodded, feeling like an idiot, and climbed in. Harry climbed in after me and shut the door. He tapped the glass in front of us and said, "driver, home please."

"Yes sir," the man sitting in the front said, and the vehicle shook and roared as it started, then started to move.

Harry leaned toward me and said in a low voice, "Jay Rosemary. I have heard very little about you."

The way he said my name sent a shiver down my spine. I blinked at him as blush formed on my face, and a smile spread across his.

(Harry's pov)

A smile spread across my face as I watched Jay blush, blinking at me in a shy kind of why. Jay. I liked that name. So short and easy to say, unlike the other boys I've met and done this to. He was a lot cuter, no, handsome, then the other boys were too. His golden eyes shining behind thick black eyelashes. High cheek bones, and full pale pink lips I wanted to roughly kiss right here and now. His black hair, which curled ever so slightly on the ends, was plastered to his face, due to the rain. He wore a soaked undershirt which looked like like it had been white but was now a dirt brown, tan trousers, and worn out black dress shoes. They looked like he had been waring them for weeks. He looked so thin too, just the way I want them. Small and easy to control.

I would let him eat and rest for a few days. Let him gather his strength and get a little bit of meat on his bones. He also needed a bath and a hair cut. Maybe. I really liked the long haired look on him. No hair cut. Then, I would began my plan.

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