Drugged (boyxboy) 3

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Chapter three (Jay's pov)

The dinning room was large with a long oak wood table and sixteen chairs surrounding it. The walls were painted a soft gold and the floors were covered in dark red carpet. Hanging from the ceiling were two chandeliers with candles lit upon then. I started to wonder how they got the candles up there and lit, then just figured they used ladders. At one end of the table, two sets of fine china was set out. One at the end chair, and one at the chair left of the end chair.

I hesitated a moment, before taking the left chair, and Harry smiled and took the end chair. We waited only for a moment when servants started to come in with trays of food to set in front of us. Cooked ham, steaming vegetables, backed potatoes, fish, bread, fruit, and a soup I couldn't name. It all looked so good and I was so hungry. It took all my self control to not to jump for it and scarf it all down.

(Harry's pov)

I looked at Jay and almost laughed at the way he was staring at the food. Like a starving dog. I couldn't blame him, because being on the streets wasn't exactly easy and he probably was starving. The servants dished the food out on our plates and the soup in our bowls before quickly setting the trays on the table before us and rushing off. Philip came over with two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine.

He bent over to whisper in my ear, "sir, tonight?"

I waved a hand at him and said quietly, "no, not tonight." Philip nodded and started to pour the wine in the glasses. He gave one to me and one to Jay, who stared at the wine like it was the greatest thing he's ever seen. "Do not wait, my dear boy, eat."

Jay smiled at me, his eyes shining like polished gold, and started to eat. Even though he ate quickly, he keep himself composed; taking small bites, holding his silverware correctly, and chewing with his mouth closed. He had manors, and I liked that. He had been raised nicely and tough to be a gentlemen, unlike some of the boys I've picked up. It was actually nice to see this.

I ate some of my food, quietly watching Jay as he finished his first plate and didn't wait for servants to get seconds. He could eat as much as he wanted. I wanted him to grow stronger to take what I was going to do to him, but still weak enough not to fight back. That's how I liked it.

"May I have more wine?" Jay suddenly asked and I smiled at him.

"You may have as much as you like." He smiled back at me and waited for Philip to give him more wine. When he did, Jay took a few sips before continuing to eat his food. After Jay seemed to have had enough, he sat back and exhaled happily.

"Thank you, Harry." He said quietly.

"Thank you for what, my dear boy?" I asked, looking at him. He looked up at me and bit his lip.

"Thank you for housing me here, and giving me this fine meal. I-I thought I was going to be out there forever, alone, slowly dying, like that little daisy."

I blinked. Daisy? Pushing it to the back of my mind, I smiled at him and said, "it's my pleaser, Jay. You are welcomed here at any time, and I must say its good to have company other that the servants."

There was a pause for a moment, then Jay asked, "so you don't have any other family?"

I shook my head. "Not here, no. My mother's brother, my uncle Alain, moved to the Americas with his young wife and child almost six years ago. I receive letters from time to time, but I otherwise have no family. It's just me here."

Jay's eyes filled with sorrow and he ducked his head down ever so slightly, almost in shame. "I'm sorry for asking."

I waved a hand at him. "No need to be sorry, young Jay. It is only the truth and I have excepted it."

Jay looked at me and gave a small nod. He managed a small smile and told me, "well I'm happy to be of company to you."

I nodded and it went quite. Soon the servants came to clear away our plates and the trays of food. Philip brought in two plates of cheese cake and refilled our glasses of wine. He then excused himself to do some work, and left.

I tired back to Jay to see he had already dug into his cake and I chuckle, starting to eat my own.

(Jay's pov)

I looked up at Harry as I heard his deep chuckle. What was so funny? I just shrugged it off and continued to eat the melt-in-my-mouth-it-was-so-good cheese cake. I was soon done and sat back, sipping my wine. I hadn't had wine in what seemed like forever and it tasted so good. For the first night in weeks, I was warm, had a full belly, and was about to get a real bed to sleep in. I couldn't wait to cuddle in warm blankets again.

"So, Jay," Harry spook up as he set his fork down, finished with his cake. "How do you like it here so far?"

"I think it's amazing," I said with a smile. "I'm really thankful that your letting me stay here. I-I'll get a job somewhere and save up some money to buy a house of my own. It may take a while but-"

"Non seance!" Harry suddenly interrupted. "You can stay here for as long as you want, and if you wish to move out, then I would be glad to buy you a house and offer you a job at my docks. Once you become stronger and health again, I'm sure you'll be up to the job."

"Oh," I mumbled. "Thanks."

Harry suddenly stood up and looked down at me with a small smile. "I have some work to do now but I'll have some servants show you they way to the room you'll be staying in." Harry clapped his hands twice and two servant boys, who looked about the same age as me, walked in looking a little frightened. I wondered why. "Show Mr Rosemary to his room and then you have permission to clean up and go to bed."

The servant boys nodded and Harry said a good night to me before leaving. The servants were staring at me as if waiting for my command. I opened my mouth to say something when the smallest one, with light brown eyes and black hair, suddenly blurted out, "run away! Don't stay here! All he-"

The taller boy, with deep blue eyes and mud brown hair, cut the smaller one off by smacking him hard in the back of the head. "Shut up!" He hissed and turned to me with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, sir. This little boy can be a nut job at times."

"It's ok." I said, although secretly, I wondered what the smaller boy was talking about. "So my room..."

"Yes sir, right this way, sir." The taller boy said and started to lead the way, the smaller boy fallowing a couple feet behind me with his head hanging low.

"Please, just call me Jay." I said and the taller boy shook his head.

"We would get in trouble, but I guess we could call you lord Jay."

I shrugged. "I guess that would be ok. What are your names, by the way?"

"I'm Erik," the taller boy told me. "I'm seventeen years old, and that loud mouth behind us is Tommy. He's fifteen, about to turn sixteen."

I nodded and continued to fallow Eric through the maze of halls. Soon we stopped next to an oak door with a gold handle, and Eric opened it, leading me and Tommy inside. The room wasn't too large but not small at the same time, with a queen sized bed, a dresser, and a desk. The bed covers were a deep red, the same as the carpet, and the walls are painted a light gold. There were also two other doors which I'm sure led into a bathroom and a closet.

I looked around and smiled at the servant boys. "Thank you."

Eric nodded and Tommy asked a little shyly, "would you like anything else?"

I shook my head and they left quickly. Again, I began to wonder what Tommy's out burst had been about. 'Run away! Don't stay here!' Is what he had said. He sounded scared and worried, as if there was something bad here. It sounded as if he was trying to warn me off, but Eric had stopped him. Why?

I shook my head and wandered over to one of the doors. Opening it up, I found the bathroom and the bath was already filled with water. I walked over to it and stuck my hand in the water, finding it still really warm. With a sigh, I stripped out of my rags called cloths and got in, washing myself good. Once I had clean myself about a good six or seven times I got out and dried off. I went in search of something to ware to bed and found a night shirt in the dresser. After slipping it on, I climbed into the soft covers and snuggled in them. It felt so good to be in a bed again. I never wanted to leave.

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