Drugged(bxb) 9

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Chapter nine

(Tommy’s pov)

I wanted to go comfort Jay, but Eric wouldn’t let me, and that made me mad. Jay was already on Harry’s trail, all because the drug dose hadn’t been strong enough. Maybe that was a good thing, because the faster Jay figured it out, that faster he could get out. It was already too late for the other boys and me, but Jay still had a chance. It’s already happened once, but maybe I could stop it from happening again. I just wondered how I could without telling him straight out and getting myself sent to the Americas.

Someone slapped me in the back of the head and I yelped, looking up to see who it was. It was the cook, Randy, and he didn’t look too happy. “Get washing! Those pots won’t wash themselves! I want them done by morning.” He then stormed away, probably off to bed. It was around midnight and all the other boys had been sent to bed but me. I had to do all the dishes by myself as punishment for not doing my earlier chores. I’ve been working on them for a few hours now and I was relived to look around the kitchen and only find a few more pots and pans to do. I finished the one I was on now and set it aside to dry.

As I continued dishes, my thoughts wondered back to Jay. I wondered how he was and if he was really trying to figure out what had happened to him. I felt horrible about lying to him. Eric told me that it gets easier but I don’t want it to be easier. I want it to stop. What Harry was doing was wrong on so many levels, that I couldn’t even count them. It was hard to keep my mouth shut. Sometimes, I just wanted to run away and never look back; but then I’d just be stuck on the streets again. I had no living family left; except for an aunt who kicked me out after she found out I had been stealing food from her kitchen during the night. You couldn’t blame me; she barely ever gave me a bone to chew on when I lived there. At least here, I have hot meals and a warm bed to sleep in.

I had just started to wash another pan when the kitchen door opened and Philip walked in. He didn’t say a thing as he pushed past me and filled a kettle with water and put it on the stove to heat up. He put some more wood in the fire to heat the stove up more and then started to gather a tea set and the tea. I guess Harry was back if Philip was making tea this late. Did that man ever sleep? He served Harry night and day. He also always seemed to be everywhere, making sure that everything was clean and nice. Maybe he just napped every once in a while to keep going.

The kettle soon started to whistle and Philip poured the steaming water into a tea pot along with the tea bag. He then poured some milk into the creamer cup and dished some sugar into the sugar bowl before setting everything on a silver tray along with a tea cup, a saucer, and a spoon. After that, he just left. I sighed and quickly finished the rest of the dishes. I was just about to head to bed when I decided to go check up on Jay. I snuck through the halls and made it to his room without running into anybody, thankfully. I slipped into his room and looked around.

The room was dark. The fire had burned down to only a few coals. I made my way quietly through the room and found some more wood. I tossed a couple pieces into the fire place and built the fire back up. Once that was over, I walked over to the bed where Jay was curled up, snoring softly. His black hair was a mess, and his cheeks looked tear stained. His closed eyes looked a little puffy and red from crying and I sighed. “Night Jay.” I whispered softly, and bent over to kiss his cheek. He muttered something in his sleep that I didn’t catch, and I smiled slightly. I then drew the blankets over him and put a little more wood into the fire before I made my way out.

I slipped out of the room and closed the door softly. When I turned around, I bumped into a hard chest and stumbled backwards. I looked up to see Harry glaring down at me and I gulped. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“I-I was just…fueling the fire.” I mumbled as I looked down at the floor. He snorted in disbelieve.

“Eric told me about you sleeping with Jay.” Harry stepped forward and I backed up against the wall. He narrowed his light green eyes at me and a deep frown was set on his face.

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