Rosalie cullens son

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Chapter 1.

I kept running, I was almost out of breath.

But I needed to escape this pack of wolves. The sweet scent of dogs, was coming from the side. My head flipped to the side and guess what a white and grey wolf, wait was that a girl. Woah! I never thought I would see a girl wolf.

I ran across the treaty line well that's what I thought it was because all the wolves stop and growled at me except the girl wolf she just sat down and looked at me. I said goodbye sarcastically and carried on running toward the Cullen's house.

I could tell it was theirs as it had allowed of glass windows it was such a nice house and I couldn't keep my eyes off it, but someone came out of the house he was about 17-18 with golden brown eyes and red hair. He shoved me, it didn't hurt I grabbed him and out him againest a tree.

"What the hell was that for?"

"We don't know you and your staring at our house like your a spy or something."

"I came to see if Rosalie was here!"

"Rosalie is here come inside what is your name?"

"My name is Elliot. And yours?"

"Well my names Edward!"

He cracked a smile, I smiled to.

We walked into the house everyone's was sat in the kitchen, they stared at me as I was some different creature to them.

Oh yeah I forgot to introduce myself I am Elliot John Cullen, I have dark brown hair with black streaks and I have blood red eyes I am a vampire, I wasn't turned until around 16 by i think she was called Jane from the voltori it was so painful. My mum was Rosalie when she was human and the she got turned as she was dying I went to an orphanage and Jane adopted me.

"This is Carlisle, Esme Carlisles mate, Emmett and Rosalie and Jasper and Alice." Edward explained to me. I nodded

"Rosalie can i talk to you please?" I asked looking over at Rosalie. Emmett growled at me, I laughed and so did Edward they looked at us confused.

Me and Rosalie walked into the living room.

"Hi"she said.

"Urm... Hey Rosalie i.i. I just wanted to give you this"

I handed a photo and she looked at it and looked at me and then gasped and ran out of the house. Everyone cam rushing in and Emmett pounced on me I pushed him off of me with my legs and he hit the roof with an oomf.

"What did you"

I butted in"I am her son!"

Everyone looked and gasped.

Emmett was frozen solid.

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