Chapter 15- One Parent Down, Three to Go

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Ty's POV

     I followed Tex and the group over to a large obsidian tower where the Ender Dragon was. That was my mom?!

     "Hey Ender!" Tex yelled, making the Ender Dragon open her eyes, looked this way, and let some smoke out of her nostrils. If looks could kill, we'd be six feet under right now, but her gaze settled when it landed on me. She pushed herself off the obsidian pillar and landed near us, making the ground shake, before turning into a woman. My mom to be exact. She walked over and hugged me tightly. I hugged back after a few seconds. I remember her from when I was little now..

     She then kissed my cheek, got up and walked over to Tex. Then started yelling at her for bringing me back here with the other three. Tex started to shrink away and held up her hands in a 'please don't hurt me' way.

Tex's POV

     "What were you thinking bringing my son back to Minecraftia?! Do you know how much your dad wants him dead?! Let alone Jason, Ian and Adam!"

     "Hey-" I tried to explain but was cut off by more yelling.

     "For all I know you're working with your dad and you're here to kill me and my son then his friends!! If you think that I'm going to let you kill any of us, you got another thing coming-"

     "Will you listen to me for a second?!" I yelled getting her attention, "I am not going to kill any of them. AND I came here with them to ask for help.. I want to get rid of Herobrine before he tries anything, but, Ty nor the others know their powers. I- we need your help, Ender."

     "What makes you think I'll help you nether child?" she asked.

     "If you don't, I'm certain Herobrine will kill Ty and the others," I said. She stayed quiet and sighed.

     "Fine. But only for Ty. I don't want my only son to die."

     "Fair enough."

     "When do you need him?" she asked.

     "Don't know, just train him as much as you can, I'll come get him when we're ready," she nodded and practically dragged Ty away from me.

     "Why doesn't she like you?" Adam asked after a short silence. I started to walk to the portal and motioned for them to follow, which they did.

     "She hates my dad for sending her here, she can't escape. She takes her anger out on me instead since my dad was banished to the Nether and he can't escape," I said.

     "Oh..." they said and kept quiet.

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