"Cadence of a stolen heart"

35 5 8

Thunder, striking,
Veins, popping, bulging-
Lungs, screaming out of air.
Lips, flying, muted
Not your words, no-
My voided soul

Legs, sinking, collapsing-
Water, pooling beneath my fall-
Clothes, soaking,
Feet pounding, ground shaking
Not your earthquake, no-
My voided soul

Drops, assaulting, thudding-
Window, clear water streaming-
Reflection, a synthetic me,
Tracing a raindrop trailing on my mirrored cheek-
Not my tears, no-
My finger leaves a streak

Thoughts, pounding, flying-
Cloud tears, deluge at my feet
Cacophony echoing-
My heart's plundered beat.


AN: this came about because of English- I was supposed to write a narrative poem (which I know this is not), but this happened instead.  My mom helped me with the rhythm, so go mom! anyways, I hope you guys enjoy, even though it's not a short story.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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