[Denial] Solangelo

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Nico glared at the girls. "I do not like him! Leave me alone!

Piper smirked at him, knowing that she would break him one of these days. She knew that Nico was gay, and she was determined to get him to admit his feelings for Will Solace. She flipped her hair and gestured for Annabeth and Hazel to follow her. They all just wanted Nico to admit his feelings and be proud of them, instead of being a dorky potato whenever he talked to Will.

Nico sighed. He knew they were right, that they only wanted the best for him. He wanted them to leave him alone until he could figure out what to say. He paced the Hades cabin floor, trying to think of something to say to Will without stuttering like a fool and running away. He had pretty much only talked to Will about Mythomagic and stuff like that. As he finally came up with something to say, he walked out of his cabin, to find Will Solace running around like a madman. "What're you doing Solace?!" He yelled, getting the blonde's attention.

"O-OH! Hi Nico! I was just- uh, looking for Leo! Yeah, uh, that's it!" Will dashed off towards Bunker 9, but stopped as soon as he reached the edge of the woods. He sighed and sat down on a conveniently placed rock. Why can't I just tell him? They know it, and I need to get it off my chest! Gods, if only he knew...

Will walked out of the room, and started trying to walk to the Hades cabin, but finding himself being pulled towards the forest. He tried to stand up, but found something was wrapped around his ankle. He reached for it, but found that it was dragging him backwards. He managed to flip onto his back, but he still couldn't figure out what it was. He wondered how it was possible, he was still in camp's boundaries, monsters couldn't get to him. Then it hit him. They had stocked the woods for tonight's game of capture the flag.

Will finally stopped being dragged, only to find himself face-to-face with two Empousai. He reached for his bow, only to remember that he had left it in the arena when he was training. The Empousai bared their fangs at him, and he stifled a scream. This was how he was gonna die. Without even telling Nico that he loved him. The Empausai launched themselves at him, one after the other. They bit him on his arms, legs, and anywhere else that was open. Once they had finished with him, he lay on the ground, waiting for the sweet release of death. He waited, hoping and praying to the gods that someone would find him and help him. He was already in a pool of his blood, and his vision was starting to go black when someone shouted. Then, the world was gone.

Nico was sitting in front of his cabin, when Leo ran up to him. "N-Nico! Will went into the woods about an hour ago and no one's seen him since! Please help us find him!" Nico was immediately up and sprinting for the woods before Leo finished. Nico ran in a random direction, after he had seen Will sit on a rock that way. He saw a few scratch marks on the ground and a few trees, so he decided to go off that. He soon found Will, beaten and bloodied.

"Guys! I found him! Someone get Chiron and the best healers! Please Will, hang in there...Don't you dare die on me, I swear I will kill you in the underworld if you do. Will... I need you... I-" His voice cracked. "I love you..." He said, feeling the spirit of his best friend and love fade away. Tears escaped his eyes as he started mourning for his friend. He picked up the body and ran to the infirmary. "Please... Keep him here.. Don't burn him yet... I need to make a deal with my father."

A/n: Wow. I'm sorry guys. I did not mean for that to turn out that way. I kinda wanted it to be a happy-go-lucky kind of oneshot, but I guess this shows what kind of a horrible person I truly am. I really didn't mean for it to turn out like that. Until next time! Goodbye my little perverts!~

Word count: 744


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