Backstage vip passes

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Rachel,christina and I approached a door which had "VIP access only,backstage passes must be permitted through this door" so we knew we were heading in the right direction.

We were the last people waiting in line.i was going to red and shaking and sweating SOO much!!! "Chill teagan just chill Kay?" Says rachel and she sips from her water the line was moving so fast and we were so close to the meet n greet table.

There were 5 youtubers to meet and I was super lucky they were my favourite!on the right(where we start) sat dan Howell looking his finnest,then on his left sat phill from amazingphill also lucky well... Splendid,then sat Tyler Oakley looking super cute in his new bow tie, pewdiepie also know as Felix looking super hawt,as always and finally TOBY TURNER!!!!!

As we got closer to the front I say phill point to us,it was so strange? The he whisperd to the others as the smiled until Toby's face went shocked.they were probably happy they could finally go home and get some sleep.

I wanted to go last so christina went first,then rachel then me. Oh gosh hi was shaking and blushing so much!as I approached dan he says" hello ma lady looking beautiful todY,what's your name?" I reply "I'm teagan it's great to finally meet you!" Dan says" that's good then I hope you enjoyed the show!" I reply with yes it was splendid!"

I move on to phill which was munching on a packet of chips. As he turned around he started choking and all the boys started smacking his back. I was hoping I wasn't that ugly to make him choke! " hello pretty lady" he says I reply with "hey laughter master" oh gosh I'm such and idiot!

"Well I'm going to have to thank your mother for giving birth to such a lovely girl with such a lovely name!"I almost chocked myself and I could tell I was tomato red."thankyou"I said "haven't got said this before" as I giggled.

Next was Tyler Oakley"hey cutie, what's your name?" He says."I'm teagan but you can call me teags:)" he then giggles. I then Let out like a moron " sex is. Sensation,caused by temptation,it's when a guy sticks his location,into a lady's destination,to increase population,for the next generation,do you get my explanation or do you need a demonstration." Oh shoot why just why did I have to do that,Tyler says "my oh my Toby she is a keeper" while he stares into your eyes.

I notice rachel is having a deep conversation with Toby and christina was on her phone probably texting to her boyfriend Niall horan."hey teagan" she calls out, " I'm sorry I'm going to have to do this but may I borrow your car to pick up Niall from the airport he was just on tour and he....." I just say " okay christina just chill for a sec I will come and get the car tomorrow just use it all you want but don't smash it Kay? Love you! I will just catch a cab with rachel"

Next I move along the table and aproach pewdiepie my second favourite youtuber! He says " what's your name?" I reply with "hey Felix I'm teagan nice to finally meet you!" . As I turn for him to sign my tshirt she says cheekily "sorry babe,can't reach will you take your shirt off please?" I just suddenly froze and was having some metal seizure inside of myself. I suddenly notice Toby giving Felix a death stare then shots back " she's not gonna do that you idiot!" In an annoyed way. He laughs and says " ofcause I was just joking" .as he finishes up I move along to toby

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