Meeting toby

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As I stepped infront of Toby he leans over to grab my hand and kisses my hand."hello my pretty lady." He said. " would you like we to sign your shirt?" He replys again. "Ofcause!" I yell. As he started to sign I felt him pulling me abit closer to him ever few seconds. I almost tripped over! Are you alright there I ask puzzled. "Just making it perfect babe you know what I mean" he said. Wow did he just call me babe? I felt him doing different things all over the shirt until I tried looking until he stopped me and said "no don't look hon it's a surprise!" Excitedly. As he finished up I told them I really needed to be heading home to get some sleep or I would be late for school!

Just as I was walking out the door I hear Toby call my name. "Hey teagan,that's a nice phone case you have there,may I see it?" He asks."umm okay" I agreed only because it's Toby turner. I see him cheekily unlocking my phone and typing something while smiling. " here you go teagan forgot something" as I took my phone I saw Toby has typed a message for me:



Call me,we should hang out



As I read it Toby said " you forgot my number". I then spot Toby's phone on the table and do the exact same thing to his phone. "In that case then you forgot mine!" I said with a huge grin:)

Just when I started walking out the door Toby says to me "hey how about we drive you home!!!" With a very excited face. "It's okay Toby,really you've done too much I will just catch a cab I promise"

"Yeah but what if something happens to you,I don't trust people out there and if something goes wrong it would partly be my fault.please!!!"said Toby

I finally agreed to keep him happy. When I walked out I saw a limousine waiting out there.WOW I gasped as I followed the rest of the youtubers into the limo.

As we were driving I felt tired and yawned. Toby said to me " you tired love?sleep on my shoulder".i was pretending to sleep as I heard the others murmuring things like " oh she's so cute" or "this is adorable,I'm gonna tweet it!"

At last we arrived at my house?I get up to see all of the boys amazed saying big wows!"what's up guys?"I asked puzzled until Phil replied to me"your house is huge!" "Well kind of but thankyou" I gushed. I then started giggling when I heard pewdiepies stomach grumbling. "You know pewds you can come in for snacks if you like?" I said. I said to them all as they said "yes please!!!".

When we got in I headed straight towards the pantry and filled up two plastic bags with Aussie snacks like cheesy shapes,tomato sauce,cans or soft drink,chips,freddos and assorted lollies and candy. Then handed it over to pewdiepie and he gave me the biggest hug ever,lifting me of the floor and swinging me around in a circle

They told me they had to be back at the studio in 45 minutes and they had to leave since it took a while to get back.

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