Emma & Miss Peregrine

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Jacob was dead. I was almost certain. How could he survive being eaten by a bloody hollow?! He couldn't. I'm normally someone who can take my emotion and lock it away somewhere within me so I can do what needs to be done. This was different. I was still straining my eyes to look for any life down the hollows hole when I realised there was none. My hope was extinguished and the water it had been destroyed with began to overflow. The tears were pouring down my face in a waterfall.
A voice came from the shadows. I recognised it with a bittersweet heave of my heart and turned to face her.
She was bundled in the corner and bound with thick ropes but she was still my true mum- still miss peregrine.
I was there burning through her bounds before she said another word, with the tears pouring down my face increasing by the second.
"My brave Emma."
I engulfed her in an embrace and began really sobbing.
I whispered it into her hair. I realised the second the word left my lips what I'd said.
"I'm so sorry miss peregrine, I didn't mean-no-well I did mean-I guess it's just how I've thought of you for..."
I trailed off and bit my lip- I was displaying my raw emotions and it terrified me.
"Don't you dare be sorry my brave daughter. Though I don't deserve the title after what I've put you through."
I relaxed and hugged her so tight for a moment the pain of loosing jake was dulled but it returned again in full force and brought with it a fresh bout of sobs so I couldn't reply. I clung to my life raft which had kept me afloat all these years and prayed for her to save me from this too.
"Have faith Emma Bloom."
She coaxed me from my position and brushed my hair from my face. Her piercing eyes met mine and I silently pleaded for her to relieve some of this pain.
"You've been so brave, so very brave. You've survived so much pain Emma. Now I have one more thing I need you to survive okay? I need you to survive this. I need you to be brave for me? I need you to be brave for Jacob. There's every chance he's alive Emma, he's stronger than all of us know. But for now I need you to hold onto that hope and be brave just like you were when I was gone. You think you can do this for me Miss Bloom?"
As she said this I held my breath to stop the tears then nodded silently.
Then she embraced me with such force I thought I would burst.
"I love you Mum"
"I love you too Emma"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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