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Seventeen Years Ago

"You stupid mutt!" My father yells at the poor man, "I ought to kill you!"

"Jonathon, leave him alone!" My mother yells at my father.

"I ought to kill you too!" Dad yells at Mom, "You worthless whore!"

"Dad!" My older brother tells him, "Not infront of Striker! Please!"

Dad glances at us breifly, before turning to the man, and back to Mom, "Are they even my kids?"

"Striker is." Mom says. I can feel her pain and sorrow, but she gives away nothing on her face. "Ace is Martins'."

Dad's face turns angry, "WHAT?! You've cheated on me for that long with this stupid canine?!"

"Daddy!" I cry, "Please stop yelling at Mommy! She didn't do anything wrong!"

Dad turns to me, anger clear in his eyes, "You no good little-" A sharp pain erupts in my cheek, and tears immediately spring to my eyes as I bawl.

"What did I do?" I cry to Ace, who was looking at out Dad with all the fury a nine year old could possess.

"You asshole!" Mom yells at Dad, and the next thing I know, the man- Martin is shifting into a wolf, and charging at Dad. Ace grabs me and crushes me to his chest while I cry.

About an hour later, our things were packed, and Mom was moving us out of the house that I'd spent the first five years of my life in. She moved us to a much bigger house, with happier people who were all like Martin. They all shifted into wolves whenever they wanted to, and Ace could do the same thing.

When I asked Mom why I couldn't change into a wolf, she said it was because I was different. I was special. I found out what she meant when I got really angry at my brother one day, and I shot lightning from my hand.

That was how I found out I was a witch.

Present Day

"Striker!" My co-worker Annie yells, catching up to me in the hallway of the school. She grins at me, "Where you able to finish copying my test papers?"

I smile and nod, handing her her English test papers. It was just the beginning of school, and we were required to give all of our classes a test to jog their memories and see what they did or didn't know. It wasn't able to be counted as a grade, so we didn't tell them that it wasn't for a grade; we told them it was. It was actually Mr. Martinez's idea. With as much as I hated the princibal with a passion, he was my boss, and he had some really good ideas.

"Thanks. You know I don't ever have time to do anything anymore. Not since the baby arrived." Annie was nine years older than me, putting her at thirty. She was an English teacher, with a new born baby, and her second husband. The first one used to be a Reading teacher until he slept with a student ending in his career and marriage. I'd hated the guy since I had met him anyway.

"Oh yeah, how is Billy?" I ask her politely, walking into the lounge with my purse and roller school bag to hold my paper work. The dark skinny jeans that I had on with my black combat boots, and black pain tee was my usual assembly for anywhere I went. I was "punk" in my high school, so I'll be "punk" in this high school too. Yeah, I was a teacher, that didn't mean I had to change my personality.

"Billy's great," Annie sighs, her purple flowing dress looking gorgeous on her with her black pumps, "He's so cute. He's got this one little black curl on his forehead, and Karey thought it'd be funny to draw a mustache on him and tell me we took home the wrong baby and the Adams family wants their baby back."

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