for when im not feeling good

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from: sunshineheyo love what's up

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from: sunshine
heyo love what's up

from: the actual reason im alive
heyyyyyy nothing much jUST BUSY WITH WORK

from: sunshine
screw work,, come visit me

from: the actual reason im alive
and why should i

from: sunshine
because i failed my freakng exam n im not feeling too good nd i miss u

from: the actual reason im alive
whats in it for me

from: sunshine

from: the actual reason im alive
im kiddng of course i'll go w/ u

from: the actual reason im alive
i love you seokmin ok?

from: sunshine
hushhhhH u makng me blush

from: the actual reason im alive
t's my job ;))

from: sunshine
you flirtatious sweetheart i love you too

from: the actual reason im alive
anywaysysts gotta go get u some things from the store,, ill meet u up @ ur place w/ the things once im done ok?

from: sunshine
yeah okk

from: sunshine
i love you

from: the actual reason im alive
welcome to the club ;p

from: sunshine
don't ';p' me

from: the actual reason im alive
i love you too now take a nap ok you'll feel better once i get there

from: sunshine
ill be waiting then ;)))

from: the actual reason im alive
butt naked?

from: sunshine

from: the actual reason im alive
yes ok chill bby ill be there soon

from: sunshine
okay :-)

from: the actual reason im alive

from: sunshine


you didn't know how i relieved i was every time you even answered my message. you didn't know how thankful i was to whatever gods your mom believed in that you, a true princess, could make me feel happier. thank you for making me feel better.

- your seokmin

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