for doing what i couldnt do

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from: ya rathey

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from: ya rat

from: ya hoe
bitch you can't talk to me without apologizing what the actual fuck

from: ya rat
you know how hard that is for me

from: ya hoe
nd you know how self conscious i am ugly ,, that's no excuse u fat

from: ya rat
im sorry honey

from: ya hoe
ah don't pull that kinda shit on me ive had enough of u

from: ya rat
but are you still coming to my class's concert

from: ya rat
hoe you know i'msorry i shouldn't have said that

from: ya hoe
fine. who's the fugliest rodent in all of korea?

from: ya rat
i am.

from: ya hoe
who is going to get a punch to the nose after the concert?

from: ya rat
i am. :(

from: ya hoe
nd who is the queen nd doesn't deserve any of kim mingyu's bullshit?

from: ya rat
you are

from: ya hoe
there it is. :-)

from: ya rat
are we cool now? i'm still sorry

from: ya hoe
you should be sorry asshole

from: ya hoe
but yeah we are cool. cooler than cool m8

from: ya rat
thank u babe

from: ya hoe
on that thought (dnt ever call me babe again) ,, invite your girlfriend to that restaurant only we eat at after the concert

from: ya rat
hm. OK ! i will. thnks b. invite your boyfriend too. i guess.


you didn't know how good it felt to know that you still said what needed to be said. i'm sorry i had too much pride. it's not so much of a problem now. i was so happy you were still the same. thank you for doing the things i could never do.

- your mingyu

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