for thinking about me

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from: ya rathiyaaa

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from: ya rat

from: ya hoe

from: ya rat
whats up??? it's been a while

from: ya hoe
honestly i was just thinking bout u

from: ya rat
for realsies?

from: ya hoe
yeah i miss u

from: ya rat
we need to hang out more

from: ya hoe
yes but i have a job

from: ya rat
whatever smh >:/

from: ya hoe
quit being such a baby maybe i should skip my lunch just to go see you when you're in music class

from: ya rat
dUDE DONt frkcng skip a meal just 2 talk 2 me!!

from: ya hoe
boy shut up ill bring my lunch just to make this work

from: ya hoe
i miss you rat

from: ya rat
i miss you too hoe

from: ya hoe
this starts monday we good ?

from: ya rat
yes we good

from: ya hoe

from: ya rat
good good

from: ya hoe
anyways hows your mom and sister?

from: ya rat
they good

from: ya hoe
bet. i haven't seen them since last year spit the truth rat

from: ya rat
we're doing good honestly thank u for asking

from: ya hoe
of course bruh i care 4 u n ur family always

from: ya rat
u a tru friend

from: ya hoe
i know i am thanks

from: ya rat
friends 4 ever

from: ya hoe
5 ever

from: ya rat
that's the answer im looking for :-)


you didn't know how much it made my day that you even thought about me, not to mention telling me. we had been through so much together. the thought of you thinking about it made me feel stronger. thank you for thinking about me.

- your mingyu

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