Mirror mirror

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Mirror mirror on the wall all I wants to be pretty thin and tall. I want fame glory and love in stead of hate that I get all the time. I scream and scream all day long I ask for help and still they shout look at the girl who's all lone who wears all black and that's there song I cut my arms and the scars show I take these pill to feel no fear. to escape this painful world I see why do all these people hate me. I feel so alone so cold and I hurt I look to my friend who is my only hope. she tells me I'm as pretty as the sunset sky that I'm as bright as the moon lights shine and that I should not listen to these people she cries, sure it seems like all hope is lost but all I can do is look on my wall to the mirror that stands tall I scream at it can't it see what I see is killing me mirror mirror why do you do this to me I look my self in the eyes and cry at what I see I starve my self to satisfy others I play with my hair to keep the others from calling me names and all I can say is mirror mirror on the wall all I want is people to stop calling me names and hurt me so cause words do hurt and kill you know so the next time you look to the mirror and say these things think about all the people who do love you. there may only be few but time grows on and soon you will know a happier song.

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