Meeting Topp Dogg

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Hi! I'm trash of Topp Dogg. So I'm making this fanfic. Hope you enjoy!

You are a K pop star under Hunus Entertainment since 2014. You're in a girl group called (group name) with 7 other people. You've been friends with Hansol since Elementary school and you two are currently dating.

You decided to go to meet up with Hansol, B-joo, and the rest of Topp Dogg at their dorm. (Your band is on break , so you had time to spend. )

When you got There , you knocked on the door and surprisingly, it wasn't B-joo or Hansol who answered the door, but it was Gohn.

"Oh,hello" you said surprised that it wasn't Hansol.
"Hi" Gohn replied," Hansol is in his room."
"Okay,thanks." You said quickly,but politely and rushed to his room.

You looked and saw that B-joo was laying in his bed.
"WOOOOWW! (Y/n) !" Hansol peeked out from his 'curtain' that's attached to his bed and immediately got up and ran up to you and gave you a quick peck on the cheek. "Long time no see!" B-joo screamed and gave you a hug.

"I can't believe it's been almost a month since we last saw each other !" Hansol yelled , obviously excited that you're visiting him.

"Wait, what's going o- (Y/N)!" Hojoon yelled and gave you a quick hug.

"What? (y/n)'s here ?!" Xero asked and gave you a hug.
Then Jenissi and P-goon and Sangdo and... Soon everyone ( except for Yano since he's at his own  house.) was surrounding you ; you guys were just having a huge hug fest. You could smell a mixure of strong clone and sweat - not a very good mixture.

----- time Skippy thing ----------

After everyone - except for Hansol and B-joo - left after asking tons of questions you three were catching up. You knew B-joo- and the rest- because of Hansol and Hunus Entertainment. You became really good friends with most of them.

B-joo suddenly left the room probably giving you two some 'privacy'.
Hansol put his arm around your waist pulling you closer to him. He leaned in closer to you and kissed You passionately. The kiss lasted for a few seconds, until you pulled away. 

Right when you pulled apart, Hansol looked towards the door. B-joo was standing in the door frame, looking sort of jealous.

"Oh no !" you thought.

Ugh That was cheesy. ...That was really fun to write ! I hoped you people who are actually reading this enjoyed the first chapter !

Who Will You Choose?[Discontinued] Hansol X B-joo X Reader Where stories live. Discover now