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When I woke I was at home in papa's bed, but he wasn't. I looked around the room and didn't find him, I also didn't hear the shower. He didn't leave me did he.
"Papa," I sobbed.
He came into the room breathing heavy.
"What's wrong baby boy are you hurt I was just downstairs fixing you some food," he rushed out.
"Me's thought ou left me hwere awone," i said sniffling.
"I would never i love you adam," he replied.
"Me's wobe ou too," i say and hug him.
He hugged me back and took me downstairs and helped me into my high chair. Papa was making eggs and sausage. I looked on the counter and saw a bottle with milk and a bowl with applesauce. He put eggs on a plate for me and himself but he had sausage too. Papa put our food on the table and started to feed me and would take bites in between my own. He fed me my applesauce when he was done.
"Come on baby boy we have to get dressed, " he said.
"Where we going papa, " I asked.
"You have a dentist appointment today, "he said and picked me up. He took me upstairs to get dressed and change my nappy. He picked out a black Mickey Mouse sweatshirt, black sweats to match, fuzzy socks, and slip on vans for my feet to stay warm, he even strapped my Mickey paci to my shirt.

He took me downstairs and he said he has a surprise for me

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He took me downstairs and he said he has a surprise for me. He sat me in the couch. He walled back in with something behind his back.
"What's that papa, " I asked while giggling.
"Just your present, " he said.
He pulled out a stuffed blue dragon.
"What's his name papa, " I asked.
"You name him, " papa said.
"Sparky, " I replied.
"That's a nice name baby, " he said.
Papa put my shoes and coat on and took me to the car, he told me I could bring sparky too. He strapped me into my car seat, my baby bag was already in the car. He got into the car and the drove off. I was playing with sparky and sucking my paci. I looked up and noticed the car had stopped and papa was getting out the car. He took me out the car and grabbed my diaper bag. We went inside the building. I hid my face in papa shoulder, it was so many people in the building and a couple were looking at me.
"Papa," I mumbled. 
"What's wrong baby," he asked.
"The people are staring," I whispered.
"It's ok there's no reason to be shy," he replied.
I still hid my face into his shoulder just in case they were still looking. Papa continued to walk then we stopped all of a sudden. I looked up and we were at a desk with a nurse lady. She handed papa some paper after they talked, we sat down and papa held me on his lap while he wrote on the papers. After he was finished he sat me on the chair and handed the lady the papers back. I started playing with sparky as papa sat me on his lap again. I laid my head on papas chest and started sucking my paci while we waited. My eyes slowly started to close, but I woke up as soon as papa started moving again. I looked around and we were in a different room with a doctor. Papa sat me down on a long chair that you lay on,  and he sat in a different chair. I was confused, papa always sat with me. I started to poke out my lip to cry, but papa picked me up and started rubbing my back.
"What we doing papa," I asked whimpering.
"You have to get braces baby, " he replied.
"What's braces," I said.
"They help you teeth grow right, he told me.
He sat me back down on the chair and the doctor was really quiet. He grabbed this thing that looked really weird, papa laid me back and the doctor put the thing over my mouth and nose. I started to breathe in but it made me feel funny I looked at papa and started crying reaching for him but he didn't pick me up. He just kissed my head and held my hand. I looked at him as everything started to sway and get darker. I slowly started to close my eyes until everything went dark.

Cliff hanger........ 😁😁

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