meeting micheal (my daddy?)

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Adam in the pic

Adam's POV

Another year of false hope but tomorrow is adoption day. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up but, I don't want to live here for the rest of my life I'm only twelve.
My name is Adam I have brown hair, brown eyes and I'm 3'0 and 12 years old. I've been in this pet shop for the longest and the owner hates my guts. He says that boys my age should be bigger and stronger. He rarely feeds me while telling me that the older boys needed the food more so they would be bought. I was under weight and very thin. I was sitting in my cage when the owner came from the back of the shop with food. My stomach growled but I knew better I wasn't getting any food. The owner laughed as he heard my stomach growl and he kicked my cage. One of the cut bars dug into my arm and cut me. I cried and I started to bleed.
" SHUT UP! ," the owner yelled. I whimpered and scooted into the corner of my cage. It was getting dark out and the owner locked up and went home. It was so cold in the shop me and a few others didn't get blankets while the older and stronger ones did.
I was sneezing up a storm knowing I was going to be sick tomorrow. During the winter was the worst, I was told to not be in really cold or hot areas because my body couldn't take it. My mother was very sick when she was pregnant with me, so she didn't survive. I decided to just sleep or try to I closed my eyes and drifted off.

"Time skip"

I was sleeping peaceful when the owner kicked the side of my cage.
"Wake up you waste off space," he said while laughing. He turned and left I noticed that it was the afternoon already. I can't believe I slept all morning, I decided I would just lay there. Hours passed and multiple people from the shop were bought everyone who came in said I was to small for any work labor. I heard the bell on the door as it was opened I didn't look up knowing it was a waste of time. The owner was talking to whoever walked in. I closed my eyes in attempt to go to sleep.
" what's your name, " I heard. I ignored him thinking he was talking to someone else. The owner kicked the cage and yelled " AYE YOU LITTLE SHIT HE'S TALKING TO YOU,". I whimpered and as I was about to the reply the man yelled at the owner " THATS ENOUGH CLEARLY HE DIDN'T KNOW I WAS TALKING TO HIM,". The owner repeatedly apologized the man and went in the back of the store. The man crouched down and looked at me.
"Whats your name," he asked softly. I looked down.
"Adwam," I said blushing at my vocabulary.
" would you like to come home with me, he asked.
I looked at him excitedly but then looked down.
" what's wrong," he said.
" why would ou wants me I'm to small to be a worwer for ou, " i said while tearing up.
" you wouldnt be a worker you would be papas baby," he told me. I looked at him in surprise.
"Rweally, I's be a bwaby," I asked.
" yes, so do you wanna come home with me," he asked.
"Wes, me loves two," I replied.
He called the owner back into the front room and asked how much I would be. The owner told him the price. He paid for me, the owner pulled out the key to my cage and opened it, I crawled out and the owner glared at me. I his behind my new papa. He looked at the shop owner " IF YOU SO MUCH AS LOOK AT HIM AGAIN I'LL RIP YOUR FUCKING THROAT OUT," he yelled. He turned back to me and his eyes softened. He picked me up and pulled me into his jacket, I hid my face into his neck. He walked out the store towards his car and I started to shiver from the cold. He placed me in the back of the car into a car seat, he buckled me in and went to the front seat. I looked out the window as he was driving. I started sneezing and sniffling and I felt hot. I started to whimper. Papa looked back and saw my flushed face.
" awwww my poor baby, " he said. A couple minutes later we pulled into a drive way to a big house. I started to cry, I was feeling so icky. Papa grabbed me from my seat and took me in the house. It was hot in the house so I started sobbing harder feeling awful. Papa laid me on the couch and went into the kitchen I'm assuming. He came back moments later with a wet rag, he placed it on my fourhead. He pulled my shirt off and my pants. I noticed then that my underwear we're wet again, I looked down in embarrassment.
"No need to be embarrassed," he said. He carried me upstairs into a bathroom and turned on the cold water and pulled off my underware and placed me in the tub. My crying turned into whimpers. The water felt so nice against my hot skin. I cooled down after a few minutes and papa took me to a nursery and put me in a diaper and a t-shirt.
"can we cuddle, I whispered.
"Sure baby, " he said.
Papa took me into his room and pulled off his pants, shoes, and jacket.I wanted to lay on him but it was way to hot. So I just decided to lay beside him instead. We laid on the bed and he cuddle wit me. After laying there for a awhile my eyes drifted off. I fell into a peaceful sleep for once.

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