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Recappy From the Last Chappy: It was so bizarre . . . She had no idea something like this had happened. Her parents became divorced and she did not even know it. Due to a drunken affair, she was conceived. That would mean she was not even a love child. She was a drunken child!

And the day Yuuta left . . . no wonder he had not replied to "came back soon." He had not planned on coming back at all.

"So . . . That's it. Why I don't have the Hyuuga curse . . . How I came about . . . Why Dad killed himself . . .?" Krystal summed up, causing Zakuro to show signs of guilt once more. "What else are you hiding?" she asked solemnly.

"There's . . . there's o-one more thing . . . I lied to you about . . . Yuuta never did kill himself. He's still alive."

Chapter Seventeen: Elegance

The soft strumming of his guitar played a soothing melody he sang along to with his tenor's voice. Fingertips lightly callused from experienced excessive playing. Sepia locks cut and styled at a longer-then-average length for men. Pierced ears. Green flannel pajamas. Kind, gentle, amused, lavenderish-blue eyes. Fair, healthy peach skin. A lingering, but not overpowering, scent of cinnamon.

Krystal was three and three-quarters in age, laying sleepily, yet slightly frazzled, underneath the warm comforter of her kid-sized futon. She listened to the lullaby, letting the tune melt away fear from the terrible nightmare that had awoken her. Before long, her memory became slightly vague as her eyes fluttered closed, and the song was nearing it's end. When it was over, there was a shifting she barely heard and phantom lips brushed her forehead, saying, "Sweet dreams, for my sweet little girl."


Twelve years ago, this man was lost from the Hyuuga clan. According to the information Krystal obtained from Zakuro, he was supposed to also be lost from this world by his own hands. But, and after everything else she was learning this day it should not have been a surprise, it was all a lie. She scowled at the woman across from her, whom stared at her tea in her hands, finding it hard at the moment to look her daughter in the eye.

"What do you mean he's still alive? Why would you lie about something like that!"

"I didn't want you to go after him," Zakuro snapped. "The bond between you and Yuuta . . . I knew that, some day, you would become curious about him and pursue him. Fool's errand . . . Would not be able to get near him, anyway."

"Why would you say that?" Krystal asked and Zakuro began looking through the box again. Hesitating, she picked up a folded paper and set it on the table towards Krystal. "What's this?"

"If you open it, I am sure you will see for yourself, will you not?"

Holding back a smart-aleck comment of her own, she picked up the paper and unfolded it carefully, as it was a little worn with age. It turned out to be a poster from eight years ago, advertising the first ever concert of a new, upcoming star with his stage name of "Elegance." The face of a man on the poster held a lavendar rose in his mouth, facing the camera with a wink. It took a few moments for Krystal to realize it was Yuuta in the poster.

"You mean he made it? He became a star?"

Zakuro nodded. "I've had to hide every flyer, poster, advertisement, movie and merchandise of him from you for years . . . Miracle he did not have any concerts in Konoha. He has avoided this Village as if it was infected with the plague."

"Oh . . ." She lied to me . . . about all of this? Why am I so naive? Angrily, Krystal stood up, darkening the atmosphere. "I'm not taking to you anymore!"

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