Three's a Charm

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It was around eleven AM when I woke up. I grabbed my phone and saw I had ten messages. When I unlocked it I noticed the usual message from my friend Ally, but there were messages from an unknown number. I decided to respond to that first.

"Hi Skyler, sorry if this creeps you out, but this is Taehyung."

"I was just wondering when you want to hang out."

"I hope you got home safe and saw my note."

"How does Saturday at the basketball court sound?"

"At 12:30 PM and then maybe a picnic?"

"I'd be really happy if you could make it. :3"

I don't know if this Taehyung kid liked me or not. But he sounded kind of annoying. But I did have to give him a break. He was excited, happy, a new person in my life. Maybe this could be a chance to befriend him and get to know him and his little group a little more.

"Hi, Taehyung. Yes I got home safe. I saw your note and I think Saturday will be fine. See you then!" Sent

I went to read Ally's text but got interrupted by someone ringing the doorbell. I wonder who would ring the doorbell. This is the first day I decided to skip school. I was tired and wasn't in the mood to do anything. Since my parents were hardly ever around, they had no say in what I did either. I was sixteen and if anything legal had to be done, I would usually go to my aunt who lives a five minute walk away, just a block south. I reluctantly got out of bed and looked in the mirror. I fixed my messy hair quickly before opening the door. Jungkook was standing there, stiff.

"How long does it take to get the door." he mumbled rolling his eyes.

"Why are you here?" I pressed.

"It's lunch soon and I figured I should get you to come to school with us," he gestured towards the car where the other boys sat looking through the window at Jungkook and I.

"I wasn't planning on going today..." I stepped back.

Jungkook nodded and went to the car. Yoongi stepped out irritatedly and Jungkook went back inside the car. Yoongi let himself into my house and looked at me.

"Come on get ready, we're going to leave, and you're coming with us." he said sleepily.

"I'm going to wait in here." He sat down on the couch.

"I said I'm not going." I held my voice straight rubbing my eyes.

"Look, just brush your teeth and get dressed, we are going to leave." his persistent voice and hard eyes dug deep inside me and I nodded slowly.

"Feel free to get a glass of water and invite your weirdo friends in." I giggled.

Yoongi looked a little less tense and smiled. He got up and made his way to the kitchen, but right before he went inside he pinned me up against the wall and whispered in my ear.

"I don't like the idea of you coming with us either. But if we leave you alone, you're in danger. You're important Skyler. Some of us really like you." He pecked my cheek before going into the kitchen.

I stood there, in utter awe for a good minute. I'm in danger? Why did he kiss my cheek? What the fuck is going on? The questions weren't silenced, only made louder. I went upstairs and grabbed my phone.

I'll respond to Ally later. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face and when I came back into my room I saw Yoongi sitting on my bed with an outfit layed out beside him. He blushed when he saw my surprised face.

"I thought if I picked out an outfit it would make your life easier." he smiled.

He went through my closet and picked clothes out for me. He's so sweet and considerate. A pair of jeans and a grey crop top was what he picked out. I grabbed the clothes and started for the bathroom. But he grabbed my wrist.

"You can change in here." He smiled again, looking at me with deep eyes before getting up and leaving, closing the door behind me. He really was sweet. I changed quickly and put my dirty clothes in the hamper. My face was clear so I quickly just put on some mascara before grabbing my backpack and phone and leaving the room.

Yoongi was standing outside the door leaned against a wall.

"I can see how Taehyung fell for you." he whispered before coming closer to me.

I started to feel uncomfortable and he noticed me stiffen. He instantly dropped his smirk and hugged me comfortingly.

"We'll protect you." he said softly before kissing my forehead as we parted.

I was much shorter than him as well, making the forehead kiss much more practical and romantic.

We left my house and I locked the door and entered the crowded car.

"At last the princess arrived!" Jimin smiled at me. Taehyung moved over so I could sit next to him, and he looked at me once again with that same intense spark in his dark eyes. It was mysterious and beautiful and I found myself falling every time for this strange boy I met just the day before.


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