Descent and Distribution(My Will)

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This is my last will and testament.

To my daughter, I leave my inheritance:

A world of death and destruction,

Ruled by the greed of a cowardly few,

Bombs that kill men, women, and children;

Heroes made indistinguishable from villains.

Things we build with care,

Sent to that place far over there.

Removed from the discussion,

Omitted from suburban purview,

These are the things of my father's father,

Passed down like blankets made by grandmother.

This I leave for her to take ownership of:

These things that reign from above;

The sum total of collective corruption.

Fear not! I have not forgotten you!

No, she is not my sole heir,

For this our world to share.

Hurt and the pain of the seeds we've sown,

Every shot and every bomb is all of yours to own.

People only march when there is no justice-

Seems it only counts when it effects us.

Acceptance of violence; consider yourself indicted

For every last life your silence has slighted.

Every life counts, every life matters.

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