23. Ladysmanftw@yahoo.co.uk

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I'm out! I'm currently at home being nursed so that I'll be healthy enough to come in tomorrow to help you with this blessed project. Don't get freaked out though, I have a bandage on my leg; a black eye and a cut along the side of my face by my temple. I had eleven stitches there and twenty in my leg. It was AWESOME.

Anyway, I'm glad to be out. I tried to sum up how bored I was and come to the conclusion that I was more bored than:

1) A nun with a dildo.

2) A blind man in a strip club.

3) A nit on a bald man.

and 4) A midget in a theme park.

I can't wait to get out and see you again! Missed you punching my arm even though we had only started our beautiful friendship a few days before I went into hospital, look at us now, with our perfect relationship.

I've come to the conclusion that I was given far too much morphine as I read back over olur conversation since I've been in hospital and haven't thrown in any innuendo, cheeky comment, or annoying remark.


Much love, Jesse.


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