First Day, Old Ways

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Melissa was the new girl in Hollywood Arts High school trying to fit in. Her cousin Tori was going to show her around but Andre wanted her to hear his new song. Jade noticed the new girl and said. "Damn she's beautiful, and alone who would leave such a beautiful girl alone?" She walked up to her and said "Hey, I'm Jade, are you new here?" Melissa nodded. "Yeah I just transferred here do you know where Sikowitz's classroom is?" She said trying to read her schedule. Jade smiled and nodded. "I do, in fact we have the same class so you can follow me." Melissa nodded. "So what's your name?" Melissa smiled. "Melissa. Melissa Torres. It's nice to meet you Jade." Jade smiled. "You too Melissa, you have a beautiful name by the way." Jade said. 'Where did that come from?' She thought. "Can I see your schedule?" Jade asked Melissa. Melissa nodded and handed her schedule. Jade scanned it to see if she had any other classes with the new girl. "We have fourth and fifth together which should be fun." Melissa smiled. Then the girls heard the bell ring. "Come on, we don't want the new girl late for Sikowitz's acting class."

They reached Sikowitz's class and Jade saw Tori wave Melissa over to the seat next to her. Jade wanted to sit by her but wasn't sure about Vega so she tested the waters. "Alright kids we have a new student with us. Melissa Torres. Tell us something about you Melissa." Melissa smiled. "We'll I moved here from Utah and I love music." Jade thought 'is she Mormon? Does she like girls, I doubt it, most Mormons are straight as a ruler.' Sikowitz then asked. "Melissa are you familiar with improv?" Melissa nodded. " I am, I came from an arts academy." Jade then thought 'Preppy? Nah she seems too gentle to be preppy.' Cat then said "which one?" Melissa smiled. "DaVinci Academy of the Science and the Arts." Jade smiled. 'Ah, my cousin Carly Jo knows her then, I wonder if they were friends. At least DaVinci is like us.' Sikowitz called up Beck to lead the first group of the day. Beck walked up to the stage and called up Jade, Eli, Cat, and Melissa. Melissa knowing what theatre is about with improv you never say no so she went up with the others. Sikowitz then said. "Alright, now we need a place." Robbie's hand shot up and said. "School." Sikowitz then said. "School." Then wrote it down. Rex was chuckling and Robbie retaliated him, but was slapped in the face. Sikowitz then said. "Now we need a situation." Andre then said. "Bully encounter." Sikowitz then said. "No one wants to see booey encounter." Andre repeated. "No, bully encounter." Sikowitz then said. "Ah, bully encounter. That's different." Beck being jealous with Melissa he said. "Why don't you wait in the hall." Melissa not phased by the sternness just walked to the hall way. Sikowitz then told them to start. Beck and Eli walked up to Jade and Cat and beck said. "Hey, wanna be ginger! Why are you red headed when your a blonde?!" Eli laughed and Cat ducked away behind Jade. "Again? Jade make them stop. Please." She said tearful. Jade nodded and said. "Hey, what is wrong with you?" Beck then said. "I'm just ruling the school like I'm supposed to." Jade shook her head. "You are not the king of this school." Melissa came in as Beck proceeded to walk forward to Jade. "Hey, you need to stop this, man." Beck looked at Melissa and said. "Why so your pathetic friends can cry to their home room teacher?" Melissa shook her head. "No, so no one is being hurt by your malicious words." Beck then said. "We'll I heard that a punch in the face will shut up the malicious words." Melissa tried to back away and Tori said. "Beck, don..." Beck punched Melissa in the face leaving Melissa with a bloody painful nose. Melissa tried to think nothing of it and continued. "Well, that wasn't....ow, no come on don't you got better than...ow, Cantaloupe, cantaloupe." Melissa said the safe word she knew of running out of there covering her nose. Jade glared at Beck and ran after Melissa. Beck looked at Tori who was very upset with him, furious even. Sikowitz called cut and Tori walked up to Beck and said. "You did not just hurt my little cousin, Beck Oliver."  Beck just looked at Tori not feeling much remorse for the hit. Tori shook her head and went to get the girls back.

Jade found Melissa in the bathroom trying to stop the bleeding. Jade smiled sadly and said. "Here let me help you out, Melissa." Jade walked over to Melissa who tried to keep the tears at bay. "Okay just tilt it up a little bit. There you go, keep it steady." Melissa did as instructed, but when she tried to pinch the bridge of her nose she cried out in pain. Jade looked at her nose and touched it gently. Melissa cried out again and Jade noticed that Melissa's nose was broken. "Holy crap, we need to get you to the hospital." Melissa then said. "Why?" Jade then said."I think your nose is broken." Melissa freaked out a little and tried to keep focused.

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