Confusing Matters

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A few days later Melissa got very confused with the bird scene in order to auditions for Jades's play. She was also wanting to know how to do her locker. Andre already had the idea of a piano so she can't use that, Jade's was full of scissors, and Tori's was 'make it shine'. She thought of basketball, but knew something better. 'Baseball. The best thing that Carly Jo and I have in common with each other.' Melissa said to herself.

As Melissa was reading through the bird scene her actors input told her that she did not need to ask for input for this. She would just ask like normal as she did in DaVinci. Jade came up behind her and said. "Hey beautiful what's up?" Melissa smiled and leaned in to her touch. "Just the sky." She wanted to surprise Jade with her incredible acting. Jade then asked. "So I was going to ask you did you know Carly Jo Bateman?" Melissa sighed. "I did, she's my best friend and well ex-girlfriend too." Jade looked at her with concern. "Do you still miss Carly?" Melissa then said. "Not as a girlfriend, but as my best friend." Jade smiled getting an idea to help her out. "Well Carly is my cousin so I'm glad she dated someone as kind, talented, and beautiful as you." Melissa blushed. "Yeah."

When they got into Sikowitz's class Jade and Melissa sat in the back. To say Melissa was nervous was an understatement, she was terrified, she didn't care too much if she got it right, but she was hoping she'd make Jade proud of her. That sounded stupid, but it was the truth.

When Sikowitz called Melissa up to do the bird scene, Jade squeezed her hand reassuringly to boost her confidence. Melissa took a few deep breaths and remembered the lines. "It was 1934 when my husband left me alone. Living on the prairie was a dreary existence; no telephone, no radio. Only a large majestic bird with whom I shared my feelings. One day I was feeling alone I said to him, "oh, bird. You can fly. You can soar miles from this lonely place, yet you stay... Why?" And apparently my question rang true for that bird left and so went my spirit."  After she was done Melissa heard Sikowitz say that she did not put up the proper accent for the monologue, and that there wasn't much emotion in the piece, which was when Melissa stood up and defended herself. "No. I put the right amount of accent in to make it sound southern and still have diction, and Mr. Sikowitz, I do know when to put the correct amount of emotion for every piece that I have performed, so I did have emotion in the piece." Melissa stood firm and strong even though inside she felt icky for sassing Mr. Sikowitz. Jade looked at her girlfriend and smiled brightly 'I'm so never letting her go. She was amazing. DaVinci has taught her well beyond the years of life.' She said to herself. Mr. Sikowitz then smiled and slowly clapped his hands bringing everyone to join in. Melissa was curious as to why they were clapping. "I'm confused. You gave me your input and now it's different why." Sikowitz smiled again. "Melissa you passed the bird scene on your very first try something no one in this school has done before." Everyone clapped loudly and Jade smiled with pride and happiness for her girlfriend. She walked up to her and embraced her understanding Melissa needed the tension off her shoulder. She whispered in her ear. "You did great baby girl, I am so proud of you." Melissa smiled and kissed her on the lips not caring that anyone was watching. Jade kissed her back with love and passion for the young performer. They pulled away and smiled then Jade led them back to their seats.

At lunch Jade was texting Carly seeing if there was any moment she could come to California. "Hey Carly it's Jade." When Carly got the text she smiled brightly knowing Jade would tell her about her best friend. "Hey Jade, what's up." Jade smiled looking at Melissa who was playing with her violin. "Nothing much, but I have a favor for you." Carly looked at this wondering why her 'badass' cousin Jade needed her. "Sure what's the deal." Jade smiled and then texted her reply. "Melissa's been missing you recently and you know how stubborn she can get with people." Emma then said to Carly. "Who are you texting Carls." Carly smiled. "It's my cousin Jade in California." Emma smiled. "Oh the badass one who likes scissors and horror?" Carly nodded. "Yeah, apparently she's met Mels now." Emma smiled "how's our adorable musician?" Carly laughed. "She's doing okay, Em." Carly then texted back. "Yeah, I know. I did date her for about two years. So what's your question?"  Jade smiled and replied. "Can you come to California for a few days?" Carly then looked at Emma who nodded rapidly. Carly smiled and replied. "Sure, no problem, I can leave on Thursday and come back on Sunday, is that okay?" Jade smiled. "Definitely okay with me. I'm going to warn you now so you don't get jealous, but Melissa and I are dating." Carly smiled. "Aww, that's so cute, did Melissa get you soft already?"  She teased. Jade blushed and sent a reply. "No, she hasn't, okay I can't lie to you she has." Carly smiled. "She does that to us West's / Bateman's doesn't she?" Jade smiled and nodded. "Yeah, but we love her anyway." Carly smiled but was concerned about her step dad doing something. "Has her step dad done anything to her yet?" Jade was confused. 'Step dad?' "Step dad? I don't know what you mean." Carly cursed herself for saying it.  Emma then looked at the text. "Carly why did you say that?" Carly shrunk in her seat. "I don't know, I thought she would know because Melissa tells her girlfriends everything." Carly then texted. "I'm sorry, I thought you knew she had a step dad." Jade looked at the text and smiled. "It's okay Carly, I'll ask her when she's ready to tell me." She texted. Carly texted "oh, okay." Jade then heard Melissa come in late and said. "I gotta go, so I'll see you on Thursday?" Carly smiled. "Definitely, Jade I'll see you then." Jade smiled and put her phone away. Jade noticed Melissa limping when she didn't see it before. "Are you okay, babe?" Melissa smiled slightly and said. "I'm okay Jade." Jade was concerned for her girlfriend. "You sure, baby girl?" Melissa nodded and said. "I'm sure, babe." Jade smiled and said "I love you." Melissa smiled back and said "I love you too baby" Jade leaned in and pecked her lips softly. Melissa kissed her back loving the feel of Jade's warm plump lips. Tori walked in and noticed to Jade and Melissa kissing. "okay you guys can stop making out now." Tori said so the younger cousin could eat lunch. Melissa pulled away reluctantly and said. "Okay, but eating Jade would be so much better." Jade blushed a deep crimson red on her cheeks. 'Wow, I wonder if she said this to Carly.' Jade said flirting back. "I think I'm tasty enough for a Mormon girl wanna try?" Melissa smiled and said. "I would love to try, babe." Jade and Melissa started kissing again until they heard Rex be perverted. "Yeah, kiss those plummy lips." Melissa and Jade were angry, but Melissa was the first to rip his head off. Robbie shrieked and said "Rex!" Melissa sighed ands said, "oh he'll live, grow some balls doofus." Robbie looked offended but stormed off. Melissa ran up to him and said. "Wait, Robbie. I'm sorry for hurting Rex." Robbie smiled and said. "It's okay, but I was going to thank you, I don't know why but I've always wanted to see a nice girl like you rip his head off. I'm not going to fix him and bring him back because you taught me something." Melissa was confused. "What do you mean?" Robbie smiled and said "I'm going to get rid of Rex. So I can date Cat." Melissa smiled and said. "Good for you, Robbie." Robbie smiled and then left. Melissa went back to Jade feeling triumphant. Jade smiled and said. "Babe that was hot, I can't believe you tore his head off then said "grow some balls." I think I've done a thing or two to help that come out." Melissa blushed. "Yeah, but then I apologized. I got him to get rid of the stupid puppet." Tori and Jade smiled. "Nobody has ever been able to do that before." Tori said. Jade smiled. "I'm just glad the puppet will be gone." The girls laughed and then saw Andre and Beck. "Who tore off Rex's head, I seriously wanna just hug you and lift you to the sky." Andre said. Melissa blushed and Jade said. "Melissa here did, she got so upset with him being the dumbass he is and ripped it off without question." Andre smiled and picked her up. Melissa squealed. Andre said, "thank you Melissa you finally changed the school for the better. Praise Melissa!!!!" Everyone said. "Melissa!" Andre finally let Melissa down.  The bell rang and everyone except Jade and Melissa went to class. "You okay, baby girl?" Jade asked. Melissa smiled slightly. "I will be but I think Robbie might still be mad at me." Jade smiled and said. "It'll be okay baby, he won't hurt you, I'll protect you if he tries." Melissa smiled and said. "I love you, we got class." Jade smiled. "I love you too, let's go to class."

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