Lovers Unite

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On Thursday Jade noticed that Melissa wasn't at her locker. She smiled at what her girlfriend did for her locker.  She decided to put musical notes and the words "music is my life". She really wanted to listen continuously on why music was such an aspiring thing for her brunette girl. 'I wonder where she is, did her step dad... No I don't want to think of what he could've done to my girl.' Jade thought. She felt her phone vibrate so she looked at her phone to see she got a text from Carly. "Hey, softie, I'll be getting on the plane around 10:30 so I'll see you at 11:53 so around your lunch time okay?" Jade smiled and replied. "Okay, but I am not a softie, I just love Melissa." Carly smiled. "Well, I need to got to first, but make sure Mel is okay before I get there." Jade smiled. "I will."  'I will make sure she is happy and safe till the day I die.' Jade thought.

Just before the bell rang Melissa came in limping and had too much make up on. She was at her locker and trying to get her books out of her locker when Tori came and surprised her. "Hey, Mel." Melissa freaked out from the closeness and slammed her locker running from Tori, keeping the tears at bay. Jade looked at Tori and said. "What the heck, Vega?" Tori looked guilty and worried. "I didn't know she would do that... Do you know why she would?" Jade then realized her fears might be true. "You're okay Tori, but I need to go help her, see you in first. Hopefully." Jade then ran to the girls bathroom to check on her girlfriend.

Melissa ran to the bathroom and wanted to punch the wall really bad. She wasn't angry she just wanted the pain to go away from this night and this morning. She was alone so she said. "God damn it, why can't I just die? I don't want to live with this pain." She went to the wall to punch it, but heard a muffled "stop!" From a familiar voice. 'It can't be Carly it just can't.' Jade came in and saw Melissa ready to blow the wall. "Stop, baby." Melissa hit the wall not knowing who the voice belonged to and winced at the pain, but tried again when she felt familiar arms wrap around her. Jade wrapped her arms around Melissa one on the injured hand the other around her waist. Melissa finally realizing who it is fell to the floor Jade coming down with her. Melissa was sobbing the entire time Jade held her. Jade was whispering soft words in her ear, but noticed it wasn't working so she thought of a short tune to help her relax. She started singing. "There is no upper hand I'm giving you mine, it doesn't have to end up wasting your time there's things that I could say, but here in my way, I wanna let you know that it's all okay." Jade smiled sadly hearing the no longer the sobbing, but whimpering until finally Jade's effect on her stroking her hair helped her the rest of the way.  Melissa looked up at her and said. "Good morning." Jade chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Good morning beautiful, how are you feeling?" Melissa shook her head. "I hurt, Jadey." Jade looked concerned just like she did earlier.

Jade continue to hold Melissa and asked. "What's hurting you, baby girl?"  Melissa shrugged and said. "Everything." Jade sighed and continued to stroke her hair. "Did your step dad, hurt you?" Melissa didn't answer, she could've got in worse trouble if she did. Jade looked at her and saw the make up running. "Here let's get this make up off okay? We'll get more on if you really want okay?" Jade said knowing Melissa wouldn't want anyone to see her face. Melissa nodded and put her face in Jade's neck. "It was him." She mumbled. Jade couldn't hear so she said. "Hmm?" Melissa sighed. "My step dad did hurt me, Jadey." Jade's blood began to boil at the image of Melissa's step dad having his way with her. Melissa felt Jade lifting her up to the sink so she can get rid of the running make up. "Hold still okay baby girl?" Melissa nodded. Jade. Melissa winced and hissed at the pain. Jade gasped at the dried blood and the bruises old and new. "He's so dead." She muttered under her breath. Melissa heard and shook her head. "No, Jadey, please don't. He'll hurt you." Jade smiled sadly. "But I need to protect you." Melissa finally found some strength and said. "I know, baby I know you do, but I'm protecting you too."  Jade smiled and said. "I love you baby girl." Jade fixed her make up so they can get to class."let's go to class now okay?" Melissa's nodded.

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