Burning Passion - ch6

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He stood there, unable to look away. From the moment he spotted her in the club he just couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was like a magnet to him. And the fact that the club wasn’t packed tonight was a serious plus for his ogling.

She was across the room, having a good time with her friends, drinking shot after shot and laughing with them. He felt angry and hurt for not being able to be the one to make her this happy. Angry at himself that he was so stupid and didn’t file for a divorce earlier. Angry that she didn’t even try to understand. And mostly hurt that she didn’t believe him.

Andrea, Noah and a few other friends convinced him to go out for a drink – well, basically dragged him so they could get him drunk. An attempt to help him hold it together. They couldn't leave their friend alone in something like this.

David stood at the bar, his jaw clenched, his hands itching to drag her perfect body to his and kiss her into oblivion. The way that black dress hugged her body in all the right places, her long legs, her hair flowing around her shoulders; it was driving him insane. He wanted to haul her over his shoulder, take her to his apartment and show her exactly how much he wanted her.

But she was out, having fun, moving on. She obviously doesn’t care, he thought bitterly. He shook his head. No, she could think the same of me if she saw me, he thought again hopefully. Hope was all he had left those past few weeks.


“Bro, loosen up. What’s wrong? Come on, you agreed you’d at least try. You need to get her out of your head, even if it is just for tonight.” Noah intervened his thoughts. But he saw David looking at someone intensely. Maybe he is trying after all, he thought. Unless-

“F*ck man, tell me she’s not here!” Noah pleaded as he followed David’s gaze. He tensed suddenly, upon looking at the tall brunette. She was beautiful and definitely a good one for his friend. But the problem was that she was looking back at David, frozen on the spot, as if shocked to see him.

“Shit, it is her, isn’t she?” he asked and looked at David for confirmation. David however, was completely lost in his own little world, not once taking his eyes off of the woman.

Suddenly, the woman turned around and moved quickly, grabbing her coat and purse. Her friends hurried over her, seeming concerned. They looked over David a couple times and sent meaningful looks to each other.

"Yes, definitely her", Noah concluded. And then, the brunette who apparently was Anna stormed off, leaving her friends quiet behind.


So sorry for being late..These past couple of weeks were too much craziness to handle and writing was practically impossible. And so sorry for it being short...couldn't help it...sorry :(    But I am making up for it in the next one.

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