Burning Passion - ch9

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Sadly, Jen couldn’t accept she had been replaced and threw the biggest tantrum in the history of mankind –ok, slight exaggeration but you catch the drift. Instead of trying to forget and move on with her life, making David come back to her was her new mission.

Of course, she knew that going directly to David was impossible. He was dead set on his decision. And if it was just because he needed time and space to think away from everything, if it was a temporary thing, she’d go for it. It could do them some good. Maybe she could win him back. Make him fall for her all over again. Yes, she had settled for whatever she could get from him a long time ago. And she now came to understand it was her greatest mistake.

So, approaching Anna was her best option. She couldn’t face it. Couldn’t face that David had chosen another woman. That after ten years of marriage, after what they’d been through, he chose that skunk over her. But she’d show him who she really was. No one steals from me and gets away with it, she thought.

She spent the next few weeks doing everything she could to drift them apart. She sent Anna photos of David with other women –all fake of course. Bought a new phone number and sent messages saying she was one of his mistresses and David would soon get bored with her, the same he had done with all his women, his wife included. She even sent David a few, pretending to want another date.

After each attempt she’d wait for victorious results and end up with complete failure. Every time she saw them together, still happy and crazy in love. Damn it, she cursed over and over. Even the private investigator she had hired couldn’t find any dirt on her. What is that b*tch? A saint or something? Nobody can be that ‘clean’, she wondered.

All she could think about was David. Even if he couldn’t forgive her for that damned lie, almost ten years back, he surely felt something for her to stay, right? She held on to that notion and was positive she would eventually pull through with her plan.

She quickly grew impatient. She wore her best clothes and attitude and waited for Anna at work. Maybe she could pull it off after all. She’d confront her there and show her who’s best. Everyone would finally see what she really is.

She entered the building and headed to the front desk. A sweet older lady greeted her with a warm smile and wrinkles showed around her big, blue eyes.

“Hello, my dear. How may I help you?” she asked sweetly.

“Good morning.” Jen returned the smile “I would like to speak with Miss Jones. Is she here?” she asked as if Anna was her best friend or something. She couldn’t cause any suspicion yet.

“One second, dear.” she signaled with a finger and checked a paper that was probably the schedule. “Oh, yes. She is in her last class right now. Is it important? I could call for her if it is.” she suggested.

“No, no. It’s all right. I can wait. No reason to disturb her. I thought she was already done for the day. Thank you though, Mrs.…Ramirez.” Jen answered as she eyed the name on the desk.

“Well, have a seat then. Recess is in ten minutes.” Mrs. Ramirez offered and gestured at the empty chairs.

Jen waited for Anna and when the bell rang she figured this is it. She’d make Anna see she’s way better for David. That she had so much more to offer him.

She saw Anna walk inside and realized for the first time that she had strong competition after all. Damn her, she cursed under her breath and scanned her from head to toe. Khaki sweatpants, white sneakers and a white t-shirt with the school’s sign over her chest and her long black hair tied up in a messy ban flattered her figure. Wait, how the hell can she look so good when dressed so casual? Damn PE teacher!

She suddenly felt self-conscious and jealous as hell. That right there was a red flag. Her plan went straight through the window. She was supposed to play the victim and make David look bad and now that was ruined. She stood up quickly and angrily approached Anna.

“Well well well. What do we have here? A slut in disguise.” Jen sneered.

Anna turned around and her eyes widened at the sight. She was shocked to see her there. How did she find her? But David had already warned her. She has accepted the divorce. That doesn’t mean she will sit idly by and watch it happen. I have her capable of everything now, he had said. So, it shouldn’t be such a surprise. Especially since the past few months Jen had been harassing her almost daily with messages, calls and manufactured pictures. It scared her at first but soon realized it was all Jen’s doing. Who else would it be? And David had showed her the messages he received so…

And yet, here she is, refusing to give up. It was one thing attacking her and David to split them up. But showing up at her workplace? Now, that was completely out of line. She composed herself however and pasted a smile so forced, that her jaw hurt.

“Jen, honey, how are you?” Anna finally answered, faking happiness as if seeing an old friend. “I told you I would cut that tongue of yours next time, you little rascal! We are in school in case you haven’t noticed.” she raised her brows.

She knew Jen had lost the plot right there but and even if she didn’t care much about things like that, a scandal would be embarrassing. Everyone had already met David, since he came to pick her up almost every day. Nobody knew he was married though. And it wouldn’t matter that he was in the middle of a divorce. Damn it, she’s gonna cause a lot of trouble, she cursed.

“I don’t give a rats ass were we are! Did you really believe I would walk away just like that? He is mine b*tch! Mine! I will NOT let a skunk like you take him away. You’re only a good f*ck to him. Nothing more. I am his life! I am his woman! I give him what he wants!” Jen raised her voice as she pointed at herself manically.

The teachers around them realized Jen was probably an ex and tried to control the situation. They ushered the students that were gathered around to watch what the entire ruckus was about to the school cafeteria. Spectators would only make matters worse right now.

“Enough!” Anna snapped. “I don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish here and I don’t really care! Get your fancy dressed ass out of here, before I hand it to you! You want to mess with our relationship, fine, go ahead! But stay away from any other part of our lives! I promised David I wouldn’t do anything for your pathetic attempts so far. Now you’ve crossed the line!” she continued and approached her threateningly.

A fight was definitely about to break and Jen was about to get herself a beat down. This time Anna was about to lose control. She was itching to grab Jen by the hair and knock her out of her high heels. Hell, she had already lost control.

“Wow there, my little spitfire.” David teased as he grabbed Anna from behind, pulling her away, before she gauged Jen’s eyes out. A few seconds too late and he would find himself trying to separate them. “Relax baby. It’s not worth it. relax.” he whispered and tightened his hold on her as she struggled to free herself and beat the crap out of Jen.

Eventually, Anna calmed down and couldn’t help but lean on David and send a silent prayer to the big guy upstairs for being unable to attack Jen. “Thank you David.” she whispered back and smiled.

“Jen” he acknowledged her presence “Do I even want to know why you’re here? Never mind, it doesn’t matter, right? I guess the police and our lawyers will handle it…” he trailed knowingly.

Jen would never involve the police in this. It would be too much of a scandal and her father would be extremely disappointed in her. She had to control the situation before it was too late. The last time she had done something inappropriate, daddy dearest stripped off many of her priviledges and it took her a very long time to gain his trust. Not that she cared for money; she had always been daddy's girl and dissapointing him wasn't an option.

“Ok David, ok. You win. I’m backing off. But don’t come running back to me when she crushes you.” she added bitterly, pointing to Anna as she tried to hold back the tears threatening to spil out. She had no choice but to admit defeat. Game over.

“You better. And don’t worry, I won’t.” he said. “Shall we?” he asked Anna, nodding towards the exit.

“Yes, please.” she answered and reached out to take his hand in hers. They walked away and left Jen completely dumbfounded and frozen on the spot.

“I’m sorry.” he whispered once outside “I should have handled her sooner” he said rather ashamed that he failed to prevent that one thing he feared from happening.

“It’s ok. I wish it didn’t have to come to that but it’s done. It’s over now, right?” she smiled reassuringly and turned to snuggle in his arms.

“I love you Anna” he said and felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Jen wasn’t stupid enough to try again. he had her capable of evrything but she knew when she lost. Sooner or later but always accepted it in the end. It was finally over.

“Ditto. David?” she looked up to give him a puppy dog face.

“What?” he laughed. That face –a failed attempt in his opinion- was something he loved in her. He would do whatever she asked, no matter what.

“I’m hungry” she answered and rubbed her stomach like a little kid.

“Now, how can I say no to that adorable face?” he said and she grinned. “How about take-out and a movie? Sounds good?” he smiled and moved his hands down her arms, intertwining their fingers.

“Yep” she nodded “Sounds great. And guess what? I’ll let you choose this time” she whispered and pulled him to the car.


That's all for today folks!     XD [ LMAO Way too many cartoons for me...]

Also, I have just added the cast and a few pictures in each chapter. Tell me what you think...

Vote, fan but more than anything COMMENT pleeeeeease :)

Love you all


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