Part 3

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-Maria Hart-

"So this is where you live?" I ask following him into the two story house that hadn't been lived in for the last ten years due to the high price.

"Yeah dad decided that he wasn't willing to give up his New York lifestyle just because we moved to a small town, so he found the most expensive house and bought it" Ethan shrugs leading me inside and up the stairs, "Would you prefer your own room?" he asks stretching his arms waiting for my response.

"It's probably the smart idea" I say, he nods opening up a door allowing me to enter.

"My room is right across the hall if you need anything throughout the night, I'm thinking about pizza how does that sound?" he speaks almost like he was tiptoeing on thin ice.

"I might just make something out of what I find in your kitchen" I state walking past him and towards the kitchen downstairs where I end up making myself and Ethan some chicken carbonara.

"Do people at school know you can cook?" he asks but I do not get to respond as the front door opens.

"Come on in David I'll just change into some work out gear" I hear making me move into another room behind the kitchen, "Oh hello son I wasn't aware you'd be home tonight" the man adds noticing Ethan in the kitchen.

"Yeah just decided to stay in" Ethan says nonchalantly.

"Do you have company?" Ethan's dad asks obviously noticing the two bowls of carbonara.

"Um yeah just a guy from school, thought we'd kick back have some drinks seeming as it's Friday" Ethan claims as I take deep breaths.

"Oh Ethan this is David Hart, the owner of New Hope Publishing, David this is my son"

"Hm did you make the chicken carbonara yourself?" my father asks making my chest tighten.

"Yes I did it's actually my favourite dish" Ethan lies easily something he and I seemed to have in common.

"How odd that is my daughters favourite meal too, you probably know Maria she's in your year... Anyways we better head off Ryan get in early to the gym" my father says changing the topic away from his disgraced daughter as usual.

"Right, well I'll be home super later Ethan so no parties understood" Ryan says.

"Sure thing dad" Ethan responds before they both laugh and when I'm positive the coast is clear I exit the pantry slowly moving back to my dinner as if nothing happened, "you never said that your dad was the owner of New Hope Publishing" he says making me stiffen.

"It was none of your business" I snap, "I'm going to have an early night" is all I say before walking past him and up to the spare bedroom, I shut the door behind me making sure it is locked before getting changed into a extra large shirt, climbing into the bed that seemed way to large for even two people to sleep in, maybe like five or more.


It was currently two in the morning and I had yet to fall asleep, curse this ridiculous insomnia!

I hopped out of bed quietly and moved towards Ethan's room unsure of what my purpose for seeing if he was awake was, I open the door ever so quietly to find that his lamp is still on but he's sound asleep with a book splayed open on his bare chest.

I frown moving over to him, picking up the book before placing it on his bedside table, I take one final look at him as I turn off his lamp about to exit his room, "you haven't slept at all have you?" he slurs sleepily turning his lamp back on making me freeze.

"I have never been really good at the whole sleep thing" I admit turning around to look at him, his eyes drooped as he attempted to stay awake for me, "go back to sleep Ethan I didn't mean to wake you" I say about to leave when he speaks once more.

"Maybe if you lay here" he says sounding a little more awake, I bite my lip contemplating my actions before taking one final sigh and joining him under the covers on his bed, turning his lamp back off as I go.

His mattress suddenly felt like I was lying on a cloud, I had my back to him when he made the move of wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me tight against his chest, "You move fast for somebody I just met today" I tease hearing a quiet laugh escape his lips.

"I'm going to say something Maria and if you attempt to bring your walls up, I will crash them down faster then you can say bite me" he warns making me gasp as I take deep breaths waiting to hear what he has to say, "dad told me that Mr and Mrs Hart lost a daughter" he says and it takes everything I have not to cry or scream at him.

"That they did" is all I say remaining calm and emotionless, "She was their perfect daughter" I add subconsciously entwining my fingers with Ethan's as I close my eyes.

"Maria" he whispers closing whatever space there was between us, I don't say anything gesturing for him to go on, "if you shut me out because I know the truth you'll never hear the end of me" he states.

"I've never been very good at keeping people in my life Ethan, don't take it personally" I respond struggling to stay awake as I feel as if my heart is shattering into pieces.

"I have a feeling you're going to find it very hard to get rid of me Maria" he responds before we both fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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