The Thanksgiving Miracle

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One Republic Day, Anakin woke up.It was in the month of November, and it was the 15th.There were six days until Thanksgiving. Anakin didn't realize that, though.He only got up, put on his fluffy blue robe, and used the bathroom.When he came out of the bathroom, Ahsoka was laying in her bed, her elbows on her pillow, reading a magazine."You haven't realized, have you, Master?" she said, not taking her eyes off her magazine.

"Realized what?" asked Anakin dumbly.Suddenly Obi-Wan awakened from his sleep, shot up, and said, "THAT IT'S SIX DAYS TILL THANKSGIVING!" 

"Exactly." Ahsoka said.

"OH MY TUSH!" said Anakin."Why haven't we decorated yet?" 

"I don't know...I don't know..." said Ahsoka."Well, let's go find out!" said Anakin.He raced out of the room, closely followed by Obi and Ahsoka.He reached the kitchen, where Yoda was preparing breakfast, obviously."Master Yoda, when do we start decorating for Thanksgiving?" Anakin asked.

"Think about that, I have not.Start today, we can." Yoda told him."Great!" said Anakin.Ahsoka and Obi were standing behind him by now."But let's eat some breakfast first." said Anakin.So they all finished cooking and eating and then they went to the little shed in the backyard of the senate building.There were mostly bins in there, and one shovel leaning against the right wall."Let's get started!" said Anakin.So they all scanned the bins until Ahsoka found a bin marked "Thanksgiving"."I found it!" she cried."Excellent!" said Anakin."Now we can decorate the senate building!" he shouted.

So they went inside and opened the bin.Anakin put up a big banner with shiny leaves on it over the mantel.He put big bronze-colored pots with fall-colored leaves and flowers on the mantel.He also put small vines and turkeys and other Thanksgiving props on the mantel.Ahsoka and Yoda wrapped a fake garland of fall leaves around the chandelier hanging from the ceiling.Anakin set up a medium-sized table by his fancy chair and put up a fantastic Thanksgiving display on it including pictures, turkeys, fall flowers, fall leaves, small garlands, and a big pot full of fake flowers and leaves in the middle of it all.After decorating, it really felt like Thanksgiving.A few days later on the 21st, Anakin, Obi, and Yoda went Thanksgiving shopping.Ahsoka stayed home to get ready what she could for the big Thanksgiving feast.At the store, the three Jedi split up to take less time.Anakin went to get the turkey, his favorite part.Obi took the cranberry sauce.And Yoda took the pumpkin pie ingredients and mashed potatoes.Obi said he would take more time and get yams and gravy, and Anakin said he would get some pecan pie ingredients.So they all set off on their journeys.Yoda was the first to arrive at the check out with all his stuff.Obi was next with the cranberry sauce, yams, and gravy.Anakin was last with the turkey and the pecan pie stuff."Sorry I took so long." he said."I tried to pick the biggest, juiciest turkey!" So they checked-out, then went home with their preparations.That night, Yoda called Anakin.He said that Kit Fisto had stopped by his room and said that he had to go away on a mission and if they could give up Thanksgiving for him.Anakin said, "Tell him,"No way!" we are not letting our perfectly good Thanksgiving food go to waste!" The next morning, it was Thanksgiving.Anakin ate breakfast.He was worried that they wouldn't eat Thanksgiving dinner.He ate lunch worried.But now he was super was past lunch, and the Thanksgiving feast was supposed to be their next meal! Right around dinnertime, Yoda got a call.It was Kit.Kit said that they didn't need to give up Thanksgiving, there was no emergency.Anakin screamed with joy! Ahsoka set the table, and Kit arrived and took a seat just in time.They said their things to be thankful for, and two of Anakin's were: Ahsoka, and Thanksgiving.It sure was a Thanksgiving miracle! Anakin served himself some mashed potatoes with gravy, yams,cranberry sauce,pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and best of all, TURKEY!

Then he dug in.


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