Chapter One: The accident

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February 5th 7:30 pm

Some people think it was because of the ice rain, others think it was my dad being reckless but me... I think it was my fault. I was the one who started shit with my older sister and my dad tried to stop it but he lost control of the car and we went into a ditch. The car flipped a few times knocking everyone unconscious.

9:30 pm

The doc told my grandpa that both my parents were killed before the ambulance arrived at the scene but my sister Callie and I were hurt badly and would be in here awhile. All Callie got was an concussion and lots of cuts and bruises...for me I got a lot worse... I had a severe concussion, a broken leg and lots of cuts and bruises. When I was unconscious my best friend Rebecca came to visit me as well as Clay my boyfriend and my grandparents.

February 8th 11:00 am

When I eventually woke up my granddad said that the social worker would be in to tell me what's going to be happening in the next few months but before the social worker came in my granddad told me something... "Listen to me...Elena now this isn't easy for me to tell you but the accident that you were in, it killed your mom and dad, you and Callie were hurt pretty bad but you're hurt more than you sister." After hearing that both my parents were dead and that I hurt my sister, I started to cry. "I'm sorry boo I'm sorry you have to go through this" said grandpa. Just then the social worker walked in and started talking about the plans for the next few months "First will be a surgery to rest the bone in your left leg with metal rods. Then another surgery about a week or so after that to take some skin off your uninjured leg and put on to your injured but both of these surgeries will leave bad scars. Your face injuries will heal completely with cosmetic surgery after about a year or so. After all these surgeries are done with no complications and no infections we will get you out of here and into a rehab facility." the worker said "Oh...and Elena we will be running some tests on you tomorrow morning to see where you are." "will I be able to go to my parents funeral?" I said "I'll make sure you're able to go to your parents funeral" the social worker said and left.

12:00 pm

"Elena?!... I don't..." "You don't what Clay?" "I don't think its a good idea if you go to the... the funeral." "If the roles were reversed Clay and your parents were just in a car accident and were killed by it, you would want to go, no one in hell could stop you from going to that funeral. So I'm going no matter what, they are my parents and this is something I need to do or I'll regret not going and I can't live with that." Clay nodded his head "okay we will take you there when the time comes" "okay, let's give Elena time to absorb everything and let her rest, she's going to need her energy for tomorrow" granddad said and after everyone left and said their goodbyes, Clay kissed me on the forehead and told me that he would be here tomorrow before they started the tests.

2:30 pm

Shortly after everyone left, I was all alone, I thought about my parents and how Callie, Evelyn, Michael might feel about not having parents anymore but that was too much to think about so I just went to bed.

February 9th 7:30 am

My next day at the hospital started with so many tests to run and things to do, I was up with the sun. The first test came and went. By 11:00 am or so i had two tests done. My granddad and Clay finally arrived at the hospital for the last test and the results. The last and final test went smoothly. Shortly after the test we went to my room and waited for the results. At about 2:30 pm the doctor came in and said that I was healing physically perfect but not mentally. He also said I was healed enough to go to the funeral but it would take a tole on my mental state, also said my music abilities might help me with what I might feel after everything is done.

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