Chapter Six: Wedding Day

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September 22nd 3:30 pm

A week later. I'm not grounded anymore but a part of me was still mad at Keegan but today is September 22nd their wedding day. So I have to suck it up and be nice. Callie and I got ready at home.

3:45 pm

Clay came to the house to pick us up a and take us to the church. It was a short peaceful drive there.

4:00 pm

When we got there granddad was waiting outside for us. Clay went inside and found a seat. The music started and Charlotte my sisters brides maid went then me and then when it was time everyone stand up and look at my sister and granddad walking down the ailse. When Callie got to where Keegan and I were, granddad gave her a kiss on the cheek and sat down. Callie gave me her flowers and looked at Keegan.

4:05 pm

The pastor started "We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments and to cherish the words which shall unite Callie Michaels and Keegan Danvers in marriage. Marriage is the promise between two people who love each other and who trust in that love, who honor each other as individuals and who choose to spend the rest of their lives together. Keegan you may start us off by saying your vow."

Keegan: "Callie, you have been my... my friend, my conscience, my sounding board. You saw light in me when all I saw was darkness. You saved me from despair. You once told me I would fall madly in love with out realizing it and thats what happened. Day by day, bit by bit, year by year with you by my side."

Callie: "I remember saying that to you, we we're dancing at my prom it's funny, the things we remember out of all the years thatgo by. I remember how you told me that when I was ready for you, you would be ready for me, I'm ready now. I think a part of me has been readyfor this day since the frist moment I saw you. The mystery guy in the hallway at school."

Pastor: The rings, Michael

Then the rings were given and then the pastor said a few more words.

Pastor: "Keegan do you take Callie to be your wife?"

Keegan: "I do"

Pastor: "Callie do you take Keegan to be your husband?"

Callie: "I do"

Pastor: (looking at Keegan) "You may kiss the bride"

After they kissed everyone stood up, clapped

Pastor: "I present you Mrs and Mr Danvers" Then Keegan and Callie left, following was me and my uncle aka the best man, then the brides maids with the grooms men.

4:50 pm

After leaving the ceremony we went to the reception hall. The first dance was Callie and granddad, then Callie and Keegan had their first dance. When that was over everyone else went to dance. Me and Clay went to dance to a few slow songs. Then we ate dinner and danced to more slow songs. At 1:00 am Callie and Keegan left for there honeymoon.

1:15 am

Clay and I went to my house cause I didn't want to spend 3 months or so by myself. When we got to my house we watched a movie and cuddled. Cupcake my golden retriever and Sasha my St.Bernard both cuddled up with us in my room and we went to bed.

11:30 am

When we eventually got up we went to Clays house to help his dad with the farm chores. When we were done his mom, dad, Clay and I all went horseback riding. We went all over the farm and into the woods.

November 29th 11:30 am

2 months have past since my sisters wedding. It was my 18th birthday. Callie sent me a gift from Florida and Clay bought me a necklace with a pink heart crystal, its very pretty but I think he had help. Anyways later in the night he took me out to dinner then we went to a Simple Plan concert.

11:30 pm

When we got home clay and I were just talking and he brought up the fact that I wanted to move out and why don't we do it now. We decided on a house in the country where both dogs would have room to run and play. It was the perfect little house for us. A place to call home. A place to start a family. A place to call ours.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2018 ⏰

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