Chapter Four: The Recovery

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August 6th 7:30 am

There's a knock on my door. It opens revealing Dr. Livingstone. "Good morning Elena, hope you slept well. Breakfast will be downstairs in the dining hall in half an hour." "okay thank you." I said as Dr. Livingstone left my room. I get out of bed brush my hair and put it in a messy bun and change into comfy clothes. I'm glad, today is the day my cast comes off and I can start my rehabilitation exercises on my leg. As I go downstairs I see five other people already lined up. I didn't know this facility was so small. It looks so big but maybe it just has a lot of room for different exercises.

8:01 am

Today for breakfast is waffles with ice cream and fruit. It sounds so yummy. After I'm done eating Dr. Livingstone tells me my appointment is at 9:30 am.

8:45 am

I go back to my room to brush my teeth and then and new nurse comes in to get me so I can be introduced to the other kids and adults in this facility.

9:15 am

In this facility there's me and five other people. Three children and two adults, there in here for all different reasons from a broken arm to substance abuse rehabilitation services. It's strange knowing I'll only be in here for a short while these other people are going to be in here for months maybe years, I kinda feel bad but I know that I need to work hard so I can get back to doing what I love to do.

9:25 am

Dr. Livingstone comes into the common room to get me so I can go to my appointment at the hospital. It's a short and peaceful drive to the hospital. We get out of the car and go in to get checked in. Shortly after getting checked in a nurse brings me to a room and tells me to wait for the doctor.

9:30 am

The doctor walks in. "Hi Elena, how are you?" "I'm good, ready to get this cast off tho" "I bet you are. I'm just gonna run some x-rays first" The doctor says as he motions for me to lay down on the metal bed.

9:40 am

Okay you can get up and follow me to the back room." I follow him and when we get in I see Clay. "Clay, what are you doing here!" I say embracing him in a hug. "your doctor called me and said you would probably want me here." " well he was right, I'm glad you're here" Okay, I think we can get started your leg has healed perfectly according to the x-rays." my doctor said as he pulled out a hug pair of scissor like cutting tools. "can you lie down please" I do as I'm asked and he begins cutting my cast off.

10:20 am

"Well we are all done here" the doctor says and motions me to get up. I look at my leg. "Ewww, I need to shave and have a bath. that's gross." Clay and the doctor laugh. "it's normal to look like that. With you being at the rehab centre it will help get your leg back to normal faster. Just hang in there just a little longer." says the doctor "Okay, thanks doc." "your welcome Elena." the doctor says as Clay and I walk out to his car to go back to the rehab facility.

10:35 am

The drive back is quick. I wish it was longer drive so I could just stay here with him but I sadly have to go back and leave him for about two months with only being able to call him. Just then Clay interrupts my thoughts. Then I realize I'm crying. "Why are you crying?" "because I don't want to leave you" "here" he gives me a black book. "whats this?" "just open it" I open the book and see pictures of us from the beginning of our relationship to now. "see ill always be with you" I give him a hug and kiss still not wanting to go but I unfortunately have to. He gets out and walks me into the facility. He gives me a tight hug and gives me a kiss. "Bye, I'll see you soon" His voice cracks and I know he's holding back tears. "Bye" I say lowly "I love you." just then I see tears start flowing "I love you too always and forever." "Always and forever" I repeat as he turns to leave. I go to my room and just let it all go.

12:30 pm

After crying for what seems like for ever there's and knock on my door. The new nurse Sandy comes in "Lunch is ready if you want it dear." I get up and go downstairs to eat. After lunch I start my rehab exercises.

One month later September 7th 10:00 am

I get called into Dr. Livingstone's office. "Hi Elena. How are you?" "I'm good." "that's great" he says " So I've been looking over your progress over the past month and I chatted with your doctor at the hospital and he and I both think you're ready to go home and start preparing for the upcoming hockey season" "What!?!?! Really!?!?" I say in an excited voice. "Yes really you've been working by for the hardest and it hasn't gone unnoticed so you can leave after supper tonight if you want" "Oh my god thank you so much" "You're very welcome have a good last day" he says as I get up wave and leave. I'm finally going home. I honestly can't wait to see my boo.

12:30 pm

I go to eat lunch. it's spaghetti and meatballs, my favourite. After lunch is done I go and hang out with the other people in this facility for the last time I tell them that I'm getting out today. They say I deserve it I've worked really hard. I thanked them for helping me get through this.

3:30 pm

I go to my last therapy session. We talk about my feelings and how I can't wait to see Clay and start training for hockey. Before I leave I thank her for helping deal with all my feeling with being here and missing the people I love.

4:30 pm

I walk into the rehab room to do my last few exercises. It went really smooth today. Dr. Smith and I played a little one on one cause he used to play hockey and he thought it would be a good way to end our time together and just to say the least I haven't lost my touch.

5:30 pm

I got to the dining hall and everyone is dressed up. there a sign saying 'Farewell Elena, we will all miss you.' There is everyone's signature on it. I smile as I say " aww, thank you guys for everything, I won't forget any of you. I'll miss you guys too." Then Dr. Livingstone walks up to me and hands me a picture of everyone with the saying 'you'll never be forgotten.' I give him a hug. the I go eat.

6:30 pm

After I'm done eating I go to my room and get my stuff. I bring it downstairs just Clay walks in. I scream "Clay!" I drop my stuff and run into his arms "I missed you so much Elena." he said "Me to" I say then Dr. Livingstone comes into the room and helps me bring my stuff to the car. Once we are done loading the car he speaks up "Thank you for coming here and brightening up everyone's day. I lost my daughter in a car accident and so I can imagine what your going through and I wish you all the strength to get through this hard time" "Thank you for everything Dr. Livingstone. "Can I give you a hug good bye?" "Yes of course" He gives me a hug then I get in the car and we leave to finally go home.

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