Chapter 24 - A Step Forward

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"We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell." - Oscar Wilde

*A few days later*

"Amelia?" Gil, Amelia's supervisor, popped his head into the DNA lab. "Do you have a minute?"

"Sure." Still on desk duty after her injury, Amelia couldn't move freely so, instead of going to his office, Gil joined her. "What's up?"

"We did some internal accounting, if you will, and it seems you were logged going through a few case files."

"I go through lots of case files," she laughed.

"Irish cases?" He raised an eyebrow. "Ones you were specifically asked NOT to go through?"

Inhaling sharply, she looked away and nodded. "Professional curiosity," she explained.

"Which profession?"

"Excuse me?"

"Forensic investigator or wife of a gang member?"

"Jax is in a club, he's NOT a gang member," she snapped. "I didn't tell him anything."

"There was nothing to tell, case was cold before the body was, but maybe that's all you needed to know."

"I didn't need anything," she sighed. "I would never risk the lab or our team to myself, to be honest." Amelia huffed and leveled with him. "Besides, if I did what you think I did and I was arrested for it, Alice would be motherless. She is more important than handling any hypothetical crime Jax would be interested or involved in."

"That's good to hear," he smiled sadly.

"So what now?" She shrugged.

"I believe you have a good heart," he sighed, "But you're conflicted. You need to make up your mind and pick which side of the law you're on." When she opened her mouth he silenced her with a cold look. "You can proclaim his innocence all you like but the fact of the matter is your family has been investigated and suspected enough to be considered the opposite side of where you're currently sitting."

Her eyes filled with tears and she nodded, no longer denying but far from admitting anything. "Okay."


"Aunt Trinity, can we go to the playground?" Alice asked as she sat on the pool table, her legs swinging wildly, while church went on a few feet away.

"Soon," she smiled. "We just have to wait for your daddy to get done okay?"

It wouldn't be quick and Alice would be disappointed but Jax was trying to make some changes and being much needed order to his brothers.

"So, as long as the votes pass for the transfers in Charming we're set here in Vegas." Jax smiled, relieved he had managed to find the right leadership, but each man at the table knew it wouldn't be so easy for him.

"Should we vote now?" Chibs asked with a smile at Opie.

"You have your transfer papers?" Jax asked Ope from across the table. "We can vote you as President but wait for it to switch until Charming is settled."

"I have my papers," he hesitated, "But we gotta talk about this brother."

"You don't want it?" Jax asked, right in front of the entire charter, his eyes on Ope.

"I do want SAMNAV," he clarified.

Awkwardness settled over them and Jax slammed he gavel down unexpectedly. "We got time." They all stood and headed out into the clubhouse but Jax called for Juice to remain.

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