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The chime of the bell rings, signalling the arrival of a customer.

Welcome! Welcome to Meraki Cover Shop! Have a seat before I tell you everything you need to know about this shop

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Welcome! Welcome to Meraki Cover Shop! Have a seat before I tell you everything you need to know about this shop.

Cookies? Pizza? Tea? Ambrosia -shot- Well.. let's get comfortable with ourselves. I don't bite... Unless you're walking food... Huehuehue OuO

You can refer to me as a friend or a sister or a senpai. I just want you all to be comfortable in requesting covers.

Allysa (me) is not the best cover and icon maker in this place but I put effort and dedicate myself in making the covers and icons you request. (as stated in the story description).

While you continue eating/drinking the virtual food/drinks I've given you, I'll show you some samples of the covers I made:

While you continue eating/drinking the virtual food/drinks I've given you, I'll show you some samples of the covers I made:

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I've tried editing with real life characters and let me tell you this, I am not good at those so you may run along and find a cover creator good at that

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I've tried editing with real life characters and let me tell you this, I am not good at those so you may run along and find a cover creator good at that.

I make anime-styled edits so I'll still accept fanfictions, challenge books, non-anime related stories, etc.


- Be polite, understanding, nice and patient. I also have a life which means I also have other responsibilities to attend to. Don't be rude to me and other people here as well.

-Story must be published or at least close to getting published. It sucks when I make a cover and people won't use it. OnO

-Use the form provided here.

-Post form in the BATCH OPEN sections only. Requests posted on my message board, commented on other pages of this book or my other books, or sent as a private message will be ignored.

-Don't ever say that the cover I made was a cover YOU made. Just don't do that. It's just rude. >m<

-No cover hopping. Don't request for a cover here when you also requested a cover from somebody else.  Appreciate their work if you asked them first and appreciate mine if you asked me first.

-If you want to cancel a request, tell me straight away. I hate wasting time and effort. >.>


-Vote and comment on the chapter where your book cover is. Comment what you think about it and you may ask for a re-do. I only do re-dos once. By doing this too, I'll be able to know you saw the chapter and I'll send you the link of the cover (optional).

-Use my cover/icon for a week. If you'll replace it in the future, you could put the cover in one of the chapters of your book. ._.

-Credit me in the description of the story(cover)/in your bio(icon). Example: Cover/icon made by: callmeallysa. Feel free to add extra words there. xD

-Dedicate at least one story. So I can get notified of the story and if it happens to get my interest, you get a free reader (me). OuO

-Failure to do the payments above may result to a strike. Three strikes mean you're banned from requesting a cover in this shop.

Form for Covers:

Greeting (optional): Hi/Hello/Hi there/etc.


Subtitle (optional): A line for/from the book that you would like to see in the cover




Pictures: This refers to the background, characters and other stuff (pirate ship, police line, etc.). Putting the links of the things you want in the cover is very much appreciated.


Fandom/Anime: If not fanfic-based, just put N/A.



Summary of Story:

Form for Icons:

Greeting (optional): Hi/Hello/Hi there/etc.



Character/s: one-two characters

Pictures: This refers to the background, characters and other stuff (pirate ship, police line, etc.). Putting the links of the things you want in the cover is very much appreciated.




So you done with the form? Have you re-read it? I wouldn't want to put your username wrong or anything like that. Everything okay now? Alrighty then~! Go ahead and post it in the BATCH OPEN section.

Just a reminder for you all. I make fifteen covers per batch so if you happened to be the sixteenth requester, I hope you'll abide to the first rule about being patient and understanding.

Once I comment 'Accepted', it means your request is acknowledged and your name and request will be placed in the list of the batch.

If you have any questions, place them here okay? ^u^

Meraki Cover Shop [Temporarily Closed]Where stories live. Discover now