
737 17 3

Walkin' down the street and meditating
Examining my life , my plans and waiting
Waitin' for something that'll bring a change
A change to save me from my own cage

Made of thoughts , feelings and flaws
With a creature inside that's tearing me apart with its claws
Tearing me apart till nothing remains
Pulling out my heart and crushing my brains

It s devouring me from inside man, i swear it
Night by night , day by day , if you know a cure just say it
I tried everything and it was surprising!
Nothing worked , but i'll keep going...

That's what i do and that's what i like
Fighting for my causes , during the day and during the night
Otherwise , man, it would be so boring
Having a perfect life , without even knowing

What happens inside you and out in the world
That everyday people die from just a word
It would be boring , having your dream girl beside you
Without fighting for her , yeah , believe me it's true

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