Saving Who?

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Katherina Baker ironically is a baker and a chef. A pretty damn good one in fact. As soon as she got the chance to leave for culinary school, she high tailed it out of her miserable hometown.

 As long as it took her mind off a certain green eyed boy who chose to join the NAVY with her brother. Not that he even spared her a glance. He had eyes for her elder sister. The sister who forgot him in an instant as soon as he left. What happens when Kat's sister begs her to reply letter from him?

Talen Noah Parker wanted to break out of his spoiled life and so he enlists with the NAVY with his best friend. He is heart broken to be leaving the "love of his life" behind. He starts writing emails to her and falls even more in love with her. He just doesn't know it isn't who he thinks it is.... When an accident happens and he's forced to come back, will he find out the truth?

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