worse than death

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"Arthur! Please don't do this!" Merlin pleaded running up to his king and grasping his hands desperately. 

"I have to Merlin." Arthur said. His eyes were filled with sad determination as he looked at his best friend who had sacrificed everything for him. Who had waited two thousand years for a king who may have never returned.

"Please." Merlin said with a cracked in his voice. He pressed his face into Arthur's chest and clung on to him for dear life taking comfort in his familiar sent. "You've already given your life for the greater good once. You don't have to do it again."

"Merlin." Arthur said with a sigh as he hugged him back. "This isn't just about one kingdom anymore. This is for the safety of the entire world. You know better than anyone that this is my destiny, if I have to give my life for the sake of the world then so be it.

Merlin clutched Arthur harder and shook his head in denial. "I've already lost everyone... please don't make me loose you too." 

"I can't let her win Merlin. Morgana said that if I give her my life she will leave. People will stop dying, the rain will return, everything will be as it should be." 

"No." Merlin croaked, but he knew that Arthur was right. This time Morgana was going to have to get what she wants. 

"I love you Merlin." Arthur confessed and pulled the warlock's face to his. They shared a chaste kiss before Arthur let go of Merlin and determinedly walked into the clearing where Morgana stood. 

Merlin struggled against the wall of magic that kept him from following his king into danger. He was desperate to stop Arthur, screaming his name until his voice was horse, banging his fist against the invisible barrier. 

Finally, breathing heavy from exertion Merlin stopped struggling and sunk to his knees to watch the scene before him. 

Arthur had reached where Morgana stood.  It had been barely five minutes since Arthur left Merlin's side but it felt like an eternity. He cursed aloud when he realized that the spell that kept him away also stopped him from being able to hear what was being said. 

Merlin cried silently while he rose to his feet a new feeling of determination coursing through his veins and mingling within his magic. He threw every spell and enchantment that he knew at the barrier in the hope of cracking it. Once he ran out of words he used his will alone to guide his magic to do his bidding. 

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Morgana force Arthur to his knees using her magic, she raised Excalibur over her head, ready to make the kill. Just as the blade began making its decent, Merlin felt the magic of the barrier crack. As he screams out in pure rage and horror at what he was witnessing his magic let loose like a bullet out of a gun finally knocking down Morgana's only defenses against the warlock. 

Merlin ran. He ran as fast as he could. He felt like the the air was becoming thicker and time was moving in slow motion as he tried to make it to his king's side before the sword could make it's strike. 

He was too late he realized. He was only a foot away when the sword had pierced skin and lodged itself in Arthur's chest. Arthur gave a gasping breath and then fell to the ground landing on his back, his right hand clutching his heart right above the blade. 

"No!" Merlin yelled. His eyes flashed a brilliant gold as his magic let loose and slammed into Morgan who had begun laughing. She had not notice that Merlin had made it past her barrier she was not prepared for an attack. 

Merlin used his magic to pin her to the ground then he ran to Arthur's side he already had tears running down his cheeks before he reached the other man. "Arthur." He sobbed. "No no no. Don't die on me !" He yelled  when he saw that Arthur was no longer breathing and the light had left his eyes. 

Merlin×Arthur One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now